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  1. V

    My Tanganyika community

    Nice. I was thinking white calvus for mine, or gold-heads if I could find some. Probably Transcriptus for the julies, but not 100% on that yet.
  2. V

    My Tanganyika community

    Hi Ollie It's 150 x 40 x 60 (tall). I'm planning to add a pair of julies, pair of comps/calvus, and a pair of gobies. It's just a question of tracking down the right fish.
  3. V

    My Tanganyika community

    Not strictly a planted tank, as such. But I thought folk might be interested to see my Tanganyika 350l, it's a little bit of a twist on the usual ocean rock/cobbles. The lighting is provided by 2 Aquarays and 2 AquaFX tubes. It could reasonably be called "low tech" :P No ferts, no CO2...