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  1. wearsbunnyslippers

    Help get Christel Kasselmann book published in English

    I would love to see this in english, i signed on :)
  2. wearsbunnyslippers

    Soil cycling and bacteria

    a squeeze of mulm or some gravel from a cycled tank will do just as much as bacter 100.. the other products do not form part of cycling.
  3. wearsbunnyslippers

    Scuba Diving in a Fresh Water Lake.

    malawi is pretty barren barren in terms of plant life, and not much to look at, its just a rocky bottom lake.. Some places i would love to go are the pantanal, some of the amazon backwaters where the water is crystal clear, or sulawesi... Wherever you go take lots of photos...
  4. wearsbunnyslippers

    Water Lice?

    if you dont have any shrimps or atrent planning on getting any for a while, a copper based medication will kill them off, you can take a dropper or turkey baster and squirt it into the substrate where they hang out..
  5. wearsbunnyslippers

    Water Lice?

    copepods, isopods or amphipods... they are small crustaceans, fish love them!
  6. wearsbunnyslippers

    how many types of moss in one tank?

    Just something I was thinking about... How many different types of moss can you use in a scape and still have it look decent? Is using a different type of moss on every branch frowned upon, would it make the scape less harmonius? What are your thoughts?
  7. wearsbunnyslippers

    The science behind ADA additives

    Penac = *Composition: Calcium Carbonate (98.1% + 0.9% MgCO3 = 99%) "In the Plocher System this fine energy is concentrated by an apparatus and used to copy or imprint the attributes of one or more substances onto other substances. It works much like a photo copier or a laser printer where the...
  8. wearsbunnyslippers

    Scapers and styles

    i know what you mean, european scapes are very ordered, japanese very zen, uk very natural almost a country feel, and americans as usual have no culture, so they borrow a little from everyone else :P seriously, there are different geographical scaping styles though. ASW has a nice writeup on...
  9. wearsbunnyslippers

    What's the BIGGEST mistake you've made?

    breaking down my clado infested tank in cape town and then setting it up in jhb clado free, and then adding some java fern from cape town, i have clado all over again...
  10. wearsbunnyslippers

    Looking for: Aquascaped Cichlid tanks.

    and i remember another one where the guys had used magnets attached to bath sponges with ferns attached to those, it looked pretty cool, will try and find a pic..
  11. wearsbunnyslippers

    Pearling in hard water

    when those threadfins flash each other it is the cutest thing to watch...
  12. wearsbunnyslippers

    Show me your tidy cabinet! (Now piccies of my tidy cabinet!

    Re: Show me your tidy cabinet! (Now piccies of my tidy cabi cool threaf, always nice to see what other people are doing under the covers...
  13. wearsbunnyslippers

    Criticism and opinions on my first tank?

    with that much fine sand your substrate will probably compact and go anaerobic. you should sort this out sooner rather than later...
  14. wearsbunnyslippers

    Nice One George!

    i just picked up this book today, i was flipping through it, and thought i recognize some of those scapes... then i read the acknowledgments, nice george!
  15. wearsbunnyslippers

    What forums are you on?

    apsa - south african forum (moderator here) APC ukaps TPT ASW aquaplant exchange - dutch forum APE barr report discus as a hobby aquatic photography sa cichlid forum listed in order of which i haunt most frequently... i normally just scan the unread posts and journals for updates...
  16. wearsbunnyslippers

    How to clean mineral deposit of a running tank and lilies

    Re: How to clean mineral deposit of a running tank and lilie drain the water about 30%, dampen a cloth with vinegar, not wet. wipe off the deposits. dampen another cloth with water and wipe it clean, then fill it up. vinegar is a mild acid so a tiny bit in your tank will lower the ph a bit...
  17. wearsbunnyslippers

    A Few Hypothetical Questions.

    thats very interesting ceg4048. it just goes to show that just because you might understand terrestrial plants doesnt mean that aquatic plants behave the same at all. i have always thought that the water change was pushing the reset button on the fert levels. but what you have explained, and i...
  18. wearsbunnyslippers

    A Few Hypothetical Questions.

    if i dont learn at one new thing every day, i consider it a bad day... plants use their vacuoles for transporting and storing lots of things, from metabolites and waste products to nutrients and even plain water.the space filling function of the vacuole is really important to plants, as they...
  19. wearsbunnyslippers

    A Few Hypothetical Questions.

    @SuperColey1 - so why are we arguing, i agree 100% that adding co2 will be beneficial, but up to a point, adding more co2 after that is just wasting, we both saying the same thing :P name one plant in your tank thats leaves are literally years old? not stems or rhizomes, leaves... maybe some...
  20. wearsbunnyslippers

    A Few Hypothetical Questions.

    i have seen some of the CAU guys dosing up to 40ppm without issues, of course you have to be really on the ball to make sure you are on top of things, as the slightest mistake at these levels can be dangerous to the fauna. if it is a traditional low tech setup the lighting wont be very high, so...
  21. wearsbunnyslippers

    A Few Hypothetical Questions.

    1. the plants would really appreciate it. light is a driving factor not co2, so as long as you dont go crazy, like more than 40ppm of co2 then it will make no difference. 2. the ferts you add in EI are to keep you in a ballpark range, the water changes are to reset these values. so without...
  22. wearsbunnyslippers

    complete newbie wanting advice

    if you are on a tight budget and dont have cash to spend on co2, lighting and substrate, then check out a book by Diane Walstad - The Ecology of the Planted Aquarium. This should give you a good understanding and is a nice entry level into the hobby.
  23. wearsbunnyslippers

    3ft Bogwood + Anubias tank

    bleach it, use fragrance free bleach. then rinse it a few times under cold water, this should wash away most of the chlorine, and leave it in the sun, chlorine is broken down by the sun.
  24. wearsbunnyslippers

    How to re-scape a hi-tech tank, once it's past its best

    if you are going to cap the old aquasoil and powersand mix then you shouldnt need to rinse it too well, you will keep most of the bacterial colony this way. fill it up with half the water from the temp tank, fill up the rest with tap water switch the filter and it will be like doing a large...
  25. wearsbunnyslippers

    Dry Start Method - FAQ anywhere?

  26. wearsbunnyslippers

    Hazy Water

    i lost a few otto's after using seachem clarity, and i only used half the recommended... i am not a big fan of any flocculant, but it thought seachems other products are good so i would give it a try... rather go with purigen if you want to use a product other wise go with what paul said and...
  27. wearsbunnyslippers

    P. Helferi Albino

    are you dosing tpn or tpn+? tpn does not contain nitrate or phosphate. calcium deficiency can lead to new growth being white... maybe try adding a little calcium, you could try caco3 or dolomite, but will raise your gh too...