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  1. ghostsword

    Can I use a old AIS lens with a Nikon D7000

    Hi.. I got a number of Nikon lenses, use them with a old D70. After seing the videos displaying at the UKAPS stand, I think that it may be time to upgrade my camera, only for the video, as the D70 does all I need in terms of photo. However I got a very old 105mm AIS lens, manual focus. The...
  2. ghostsword


    Got a new app for the iphone, Hipstamatic, so that I can take Lomography shots. The results are quite good.
  3. ghostsword

    Macro lens for Nikon D70

    Hi, I am starting on photography and got a second hand Nikon D70. Great camera, great photos and cheap to buy. I am now looking for a lens to use for macro shots. Would you have any recommendation? I would like to spend no more than £200, if possible. :)