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  1. Kalum

    Shrimp Trio

    Since i'm going to be setting up a small shrimp only tank (RCS selective breeding) anyway, i thought i'd have a bit of fun with it and i've decided to get an Aqua One Trio Tank, it's only a 32L but it will allow me to alter small things in each of the 3 bays and see how the plants react. Plus...
  2. Otto72

    Otto's Upcoming Shrimp Breeding Station

    Edited and updated 24th October 2015 Ok not much to see here just yet but this will be my journal for my Shrimp tanks. Aquarium 3 x ADA 60P * Lighting Not sure yet. Filtration Eheim Ecco Pro 200 x 3* Air Pump (1) and Sponge filters (3)* Substrate Dennerle Sulawesi Black* ADA Amazonia*...
  3. RolyMo

    Your Opinion please on adding RCS to a CRS tank

    Hello I did a spot check on my fish tank today and in particular the internal Juwel filter. The reason I check the filter is because I normally find a cherry shrimp in there. To my surprise I found 2 quite small Cherry Shrimp in the filter. So I am guess someone has been a bit busy!!! :cigar...