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  • Most of the remaining team are off on holiday meaning the forum does not have sufficient cover. As such the site will be placed in maintenance mode where it can be viewed but no posts/threads can be made and will remain this way until August 11th, apologies for the inconvience.


  1. CalebWM

    Planted Bowl

    Hi, So I had been looking at getting a nano fish tank for my room for quite some time, but not having a job means I couldn't really get one for myself. Anyway, one day in a super market I see a bowl and tell my mum I could set up a small planted tank for the kitchen, which she agreed on, so I...
  2. Alastair

    A 'little' box of chocolates, licorice n allsorts - baby chocco fry

    Following on from my soon to be dismantled chocolate puddle A Chocolate Puddle - picture update | UK Aquatic Plant Society I thought id get my follow on journal started in the lead up to my tank arriving. This like my other journal won't have any specific planning as to scape etc but will try...