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11/15 new Rasbora's died


New Member
6 Dec 2021
Yesterday I added 15 Harlequin Rasbora's in my 220 liter tank. It has been running for 3 months with only 10 tetra's. This morning I only saw 4 Rasbora's (actively) swimming.
I couldn't find the rest of them until I opened my skimmer. 11 where in there, dead🙁.
I use a Eheim 350 skimmer. Is it possible that it sucked them in? Or did they die from something else and ended up in de skimmer.

Cannot figure out what happend. Any ideas?
For the speed of fatalities that's not that common. Does look as either they were very weak fish in which case get back to place of purchase as soon as. A picture of the skimmer and aquarium may help.
The Eheim 350 is a death trap - I lost several fish to it before I got rid of the damn thing. That said, 11 Harlequins seems a lot in one go!

Are you running CO2 in the tank, and did you drip acclimate them before adding them?
The Eheim 350 is a death trap - I lost several fish to it before I got rid of the damn thing. That said, 11 Harlequins seems a lot in one go!

Are you running CO2 in the tank, and did you drop acclimate them before adding them?
Yeah I run c02 and did drop acclimate them!
Yeah I run c02 and did drop acclimate them!

The reason I asked about the CO2, is new fish often take a while to become accustomed to the higher CO2 levels and will stay at the surface supping more oxygen rich water to compensate - that leaves them more open to getting sucked into the skimmer. It’s often best to turn the CO2 off on the day of introduction, and then gradually increase the levels back to normal over several days, to allow the fish to acclimatise to it.

If you stick with the Eheim skimmer, make the modifications that @John q has linked to - otherwise get rid of it, and get the APS/Sun Sun variant that is much better designed overall.

Amazon product ASIN B01LX152XH
Hi all,
. It has been running for 3 months with only 10 tetra's.
A picture of the tank would useful, if you don't have many plants it is possible that you didn't have enough <"biological filtration"> to deal with the increased bioload.
The Eheim 350 is a death trap - I lost several fish to it before I got rid of the damn thing. That said, 11 Harlequins seems a lot in one go!

Are you running CO2 in the tank, and did you drip acclimate them before adding them?
Unfortunately we have a lot of <"Eheim skimmer killed my shrimp, fish etc">, as well as some <"CO2 disaster killed my fish">, threads, but I would guess that @Wookii is right and there was some other contributing factor.

cheers Darrel