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25L nano. Dosing and light for growing hc


11 Jun 2012
Portsmouth, Hampshire
Hello all

I've started up a 18 x 10 x 10 inch tank and want to have a little hc carpet. Now I only want to use easy carbo for my carbon source. I have a 11w light over it at the moment and also have some tpn plus.

What amount would people recommend to dose? And how often?

I'm thinking I need more light too? I do have a 9w arc pod to add on if required.

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I don't know about the EasyCarbo dosing but I think if you are going to try HC you would want to add the other light. Hemianthus could grow with an 11 watt light but it would grow upwards instead of the satisfying carpet form! :)
Sorry, but that is not true at all. Vertical growth has absolutely nothing to do with light and has everything to do with CO2 & flow. The benefit of adding more light is that HC will grow faster. That's all. The disadvantage of using more light is that you are much more susceptible to poor plant health and algal blooms.

Assuming the tank has no fish or shrimp then uses as much EasyCarbo as you want. You can double or treble the bottle recommended dosage. For TPN+ use at least treble the bottle recommended dosage and assess from there. The more light you use the more of everything you must add.

Oh should I maybe add the other light to get it going? I have got a few fish in there so what's the max I could dose ? Keep to the recommended amounts or I'm guessing at most double?

Also, I've only got the small amount of hc and a small anubias in there, should I dose so much if there is very few plants?

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Here's how it's looking at the moment. Work in progress and more plants on the way. Thinking a big java fern and few floating plants for the back right corner. Just enough that still allows plenty light to get to the hc of course. Under the hc I have put down some tropica substrate.

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Sorry! I thought I saw somewhere that less light meant worse and vertical growth. :(
Yes, I'm sure you would have read that in a lot of various places, and the people who wrote it are all under the same illusion. Normally, when they follow this advice their problems only become worse. If you have the patience, have a read of my post #10 in the thread Old Skool Returnee - London tap water? | UK Aquatic Plant Society to gain a better understanding of the causes of vertical growth in aquatic plants.

Cheers for the input,

Wondering, once I get more plants (LFS is getting a delivery this friday) how much should I be dosing and when ? I do plan to get some more anubias for inbetween the rocks. Also I really want a big java fern in there. Though is there not a smaller variety of java fern as the standard one will soon come out the top of the tank.

I didnt add any plant subtrate under the rocks, its literately just under where the HC is currently. Its all I had left over from another tank. Therefore thought I would use plants which feed through the water column instead, like ferns, anubias and mosses.

Could anyone also comment on how long I should have the light on ? its currently on for 6 hours a day in the evening.