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36cm nano

That's very nice. You have some of my favorite creatures in there. I really like pygmy cories quite a lot.
hydrophyte said:
That's very nice. You have some of my favorite creatures in there. I really like pygmy cories quite a lot.
Pygmy cories are little gems but very fragile
Clado still there, but overdosing excel and spot treatment with H2O2 it's working and, trimmed most of the affected leaves.

Algae pics to share with you :whistle:

Some got a moss background, I got an algae background... :crazy: side view

Shrimps at feeding time.
NeilW said:
Looks like they've got plenty to eat there Joe 😉 lovely tank though.
Thanks mate... fish and shrimp look happy.

Got some updates 😀 .
Even the battle against algae it's not finished, I added another group of shrimps. Crystal Black's are an old time favourite, so I decided to get a few more.
Happy Crystal Red shrimp grazing on my lovely mosses 😀
What you think about my pregnant CPD?
That moss looks really nice. I also like that algae patina on the driftwood and stones. I am impressed that you got that little bit of algae growth on those surfaces, but kept it off the moss.
I think the algae on the rocks make it look nice.
Except for the thread algae.
You should remove them manually. 🙂
Cyworld said:
I think the algae on the rocks make it look nice.
Except for the thread algae.
You should remove them manually. 🙂

hydrophyte said:
That moss looks really nice. I also like that algae patina on the driftwood and stones. I am impressed that you got that little bit of algae growth on those surfaces, but kept it off the moss.

Thanks guys for your replies... been testing a few things in the last days.

Since last week I'm adding CO2 to the tank. I've noticed the bolbitis it's full of new leaves on it's rhizome and mosses looks greener. Clado still there but it's starting to retrieve.

2 months later this tank still got plenty to offer 😀. Female CPD looks every day more round and fatty. The CPD's group look happy. CRS and CBS are growing nicely, but no babies shrimps had been seen yet. Red Cherrie's looks like factories in double shifts producing babies. I got lot's of them berried.


Once, someone ask me what I give to my fish and shrimps.
Boas Joe,

Nice macros 🙂 specially like the Pellia its looking great.

Any babies yet?
LondonDragon said:
Boas Joe,

Nice macros 🙂 specially like the Pellia its looking great.

Any babies yet?

Olá Paulo,
No babies yet mate, but I got one berried CRS female and another one I think it's pregnant too 😀 ...
Btw, my fontanus it's the one tou sent to me and it's looking great... the mini-pellia it's quite special and very sensible too. It doesn't tolerate sudden changes on it's enviroment and it melts in less than a blink of eyes...

NeilW said:
Where did you get hold of your mini pellia Joe?
Hi Neil, I ordered it here in Portugal... a small square of 4x4 cm cost me around 5£ one year ago.

This nano it's on cruise control now. No problems, just WC and add a little bit of ferts one time per week... it couldn't be better.