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400 gallon.

One thing i think your wiring needs a tidy up
I just made sure as much as possible is above the water,usualy it is behind panels so it doesn't show. I've added and changed it a lot so it messy, i would love a neat setup, but i don't think i have that in me:rolleyes:
New swords added (martii, cordifolius (i want this one out above the tank) and 2 amazonicus (?).
It feels as if there is no new (and maybe even less) BBA.
14394397388_3adae66814_h.jpgDSC_5721_copy by Edvet, on Flickr
Is this now low tech
Indeed. As the CO2 ran out unexpectedly and i didn't have a 10 kg spare at that moment i decided to turn it low tech. I couldn't get the look i wanted and i kept struggling with BBA, so i changed course. I have added swords and floaters, and stopped the circulation pumps. I increased flow through the sump a bit.
The tank feels better now, no new BBA on the plants i added nor on the new growth, BBA on the wood is getting less and less (i have seen the Pseudanos nibble at it). There is some surface scum i am working on, floaters clogg the overflow a bit, i might relocate a spraybar just under the overflow to see if that works.
Off course growth is slower but as long as it is healthier, and stays that way, this was a good decision for now. I am thinking about adding a trickle of CO2 just as a small stimulans.
I am hoping to create the jungle look i want this way, it will take just a bit longer.
I am thinking about adding a trickle of CO2 just as a small stimulans.

I've been wondering about this myself. Can/does this work? Any increase in CO2 would be available to the plants and as long as lighting was at comparable/compatible levels growth should be increased - at least that's what my brain figures :rolleyes:
I used to have a glass spiral diffusor on a few bps in this tank, nowhere enough in todays understanding, but at lower light levels no problem, and helping i presume.
This is how the tank looked in 2003 and with a bit of CO2:
9689364957_d4def931f3_o.jpg38068787_00005295 by Edvet, on Flickr
I don't see a reason why one wouldn't experiment with their tank, whether it be increasing co2 one way or another, tweaking the light amount, adding ferts, etc.. but when one says slow growth in low tech, how slow do you guys mean?
I can achieve a jungle look in a low tech in a proper setup in about 2-3 months and for me that's as fast as I want it.
Yup, i added an Eichornia azurea again, i had it before and tried to get it flowering, but the higher flow and lights closer to the surface didn't make that happen. So i try again, will try to get a few extra first, then let it reach to top, but these have to take first, app 1 week in the tank now.
Now that's a video! Time for popcorn and everything!
Absolutely mesmerising! My favorite it the torpedo shaped fish with the stripes and spot on side, stunning and very natural looking.
Quick and dirty update. I like how it is evolving, still need a lot more plants, growth is slow now ofcourse, but looks healthy.
15002143215_f0d4aeae93_b.jpgLowtech22082014 by Edvet, on Flickr
screaming for some Javafern, and the left could so with some mini Javafern
Sadly i limit myself to South American plants only, There is some moss on it, not yet large amounts.