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60L - After the Flood


21 Feb 2022
Rhode Island
After not being sure if this scape would survive my basement being flooded all winter and spring, it seems like the rain has finally let up and I am going to be able to get this tank going. I appreciate all the help everyone gave me with scape suggestions! Hopefully my tank can be half as good as everyone else's who posts here on UKAPS. I am planning on doing a dark start to avoid all the water changes and hopefully some start up algae.

  • Waterbox mini 16 (60x30x36)
  • Chihiros WRGB2
  • Eheim 2217 with hydros inline heater
  • Custom co2 regulator
  • a lot of ADA Amazonia 2

Love the rocky scape!
If it was me keep it short left and think about cyperus helferi/Crypto balansae to the right regarding water specs etc...
Thank you! I am excited to start this tank...I've been staring at the scape for months now wondering when the crazy rain would stop. I am still debating what kind of plants I want to get but I am addicted to stems. The last iteration of this tank was a dutch scape and my original thought was to try a Brazilian style scape but I do agree it would look good with a more traditional nature layout.
I was looking at the tank today thinking about fish and was wondering if I have too much flow. In the last iteration before tearing the tank down I only had shrimp and a couple Otos. The otos got used to the flow and it didn’t seem to bother them but I am planning to go with more fish this time and thought it might blow them around.

I see a lot of 60ps running with eheim 2217(600?) or oase 350s which have more flow than the 2217 but I was wondering if I should use my 2213 instead? I am thinking about some type of dwarf rainbow like a threadfin or maybe some tetras and a German blue ram for fish.
Can you adjust the flow with these filters?
I can reduce the flow using the eheim double taps. I never run the filter full flow but I’m wondering if I reduce the flow even further if it will damage the motor.
Well the tank is planted…the dark start didn’t go as long as I had hoped but I’m impatient I guess.. Everything came in as emersed or tissue culture so going to take a while till it look like anything.

Going to start my light off at 40% intensity and see how it goes from there.
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No real updates other than the plants have adapted to aquatic life and the tank is going through the uglies phase right now with some diatoms growing on the rockwork.

I like the scape but half of me thinks about taking the stones out every time I see a nice dutch style tank! Need to cram more stems in there.

Also have two more tanks on the way now that I will probably a make journal for once they are done…a 45u and a 45s. Thinking about a nature scape in the 45u and trying to do some low tech paludarium type stuff with plants growing above the water and crystal shrimp/buce in the 45s
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