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85L ryuboku - The harmonic centre

hydrophyte said:
That's very nice. I like your fish selection.
Thanks, hydrophyte!

Some pictures again. I promise you, these are the last ones. 😀



In the past weeks a few things happened.

I got bored of riccia, so I put it to my low-tech nano tank. But then the foreground became too empty, so I put it back... :lol: It's ugly because of that.

The tank is a little untidy because I haven't trimmed it for a long time. 🙄


Large size: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4070/422 ... 361c_o.jpg

Soon, I'll have a co2 reactor, and then there'll be a normal foreground plant. (HC or Glosso)

The M. Narrow hasn't got enough Fe, that's why it doesn't look very well.

Large size: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2723/422 ... db2c_o.jpg

The lower part of rotala is a little bit algaetic.

Large size: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2669/422 ... e53c_o.jpg
Quick update:
I've changed the dosing, now I'm using agricultural fert. Instead of the CO2 diffusor, I have a reactor.
In one or two weeks time, I'm going to rearrange the whole tank.




Thanks for looking! 🙂
SteveUK said:
Wow, I missed this setup. Great looking scape Peti 🙂
Thank you Steve! 😉 Your words mean a lot to me.
alzak said:
looks like you can do some good pictures I like personally this kind of set up :thumbup:
thanks, i'm trying... 🙂
tel said:
Hey peti44, really like these two images, you tank looks cool, nice job :thumbup:
Thank you for that, too 🙂

I know, earlier I said that I was going too rerange the tank, but I'll do that a litle later, because the wood I have cut down
doesn't want to sink and the water is foaming.
I'm going to start a journal for that soon.
Thanks again guys.

1-2 new photo:




saintly said:
there's a certain 'something' about your images which I like.

quality! 😀
Thanks Mark! 😳