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A fool and his money...

HAHAHAHAHA you're a gluten for punishment!!!!

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Haha, putting the rootwood back in me thinks. I'm off tomorrow so i'll get this done. My plants should be here tomorrow too 🙂
It is definately not a boring tank journal!All go in your tank mate,well it keeps you busy thats for sure🙂
Haha, i'm trying to not make it boring... I'm trying to take as many pics as possible too.

I know in a week or two it'll be time i'll change it again 😀

Plants growing so bloody slowly too! 😛 I know what I want it to look like and will stop at nothing till it does!
Haha, i'm trying to not make it boring... I'm trying to take as many pics as possible too.

I know in a week or two it'll be time i'll change it again 😀

Plants growing so bloody slowly too! 😛 I know what I want it to look like and will stop at nothing till it does!
Good man your on a mission!
Hard days work...


Well I did say I liked the redmoor root 🙂 looks nice again mate, time to let it grow now 🙂
Think you were right buddy 😉 I should listen to you more often... Any more tips? Lol

Patience now.... Urghhhh.

Been waiting 4 weeks now for the Eleocharis Mini, should be here tomorrow, if not i'll be livid!
:lol: you need a couple more tanks to tinker with 😉 that'll keep you busy enough to leave this one alone 🙂 all joking aside you've done a very nice job of this scape. I'm the same can't keep my hands out of the tank for too long.
I do buddy, I only have space for the one though 🙁

Thank you for the comments. looking forward to trimming and sitting back and enjoying this tank... Don't get to do that much when I kept marines 😉
you separating into very small pieces or just each pot into 8 or so cause you will be there ages if only small 😱 lol as said that looks like a lot of grass looking forward to seeing it in there mate
you separating into very small pieces or just each pot into 8 or so cause you will be there ages if only small 😱 lol as said that looks like a lot of grass looking forward to seeing it in there mate
I separated each pot into 4 equal parts and planted them which gave me 64 nice sized Eleocharis chunks to plant. The whole thing has nearly carpeted with just these 16 pots 😀