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ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (month 5)

Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (week 1 photos)

awtong said:
I agree I don't like the Reineckii on the left but the flash of colour against the green and as a focal point it is nice.

I had quite a lot at the back of my tank and sold it. Wish I had not now, although the leaves did get a bit on the large size.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (week 1 photos)

Agreed. The more I look at it the more I think I should move it. It does look good against the green and it suits the dragonstone well. I think I may move it to just left of centre right at the back.

I think some dwarf hair grass might be in order for the foreground on the left. Then when I have some pogo cuttings they can go around where my filter intake is now.

Still can't decide on background. I have frosted there now but it's just too close to the wall to really work well. Think it might have to be black or white. Maybe I'll get some card tomorrow and play around.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

I said I was planning on taking a FTS at night and here it is. I did this mainly to show how good it looks with two plant pro lamps in the luminaire. The colours are really vibrant and the water looks so clear. I also get a lot of shimmer with the plant pros and the oBubble lily pipe, which I wasn't seeing before.
I haven't adjusted the colours or saturation at all. Only photoshop work was to crop slightly and compensate for lens distortion.


Now on to the snails. These dudes are growing at quite a rate. Pretty much doubling in size every day. The photo below is of the biggest I could see a few minutes ago. The shell is about 6mm long. Yesterday it was more like 3. I have 3 this size plus I keep seeing new little 1mm ones creeping around.

My question is should I leave them to it or will they do any damage? So far they are eating a little algae I have in the corner and scouring the substrate. I've not seen them try any plant life yet. What do you think?

Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Personally i act as soon as i see pond snails, if you let them be within a pretty short space of time they will be everywhere! If there are just a dozen or so then simply net them out, if there are more then i use airline shyphon into a bucket and suck the buggers out.

Tank is looking well swish mate!
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Theyre pond snails. Need no male to reproduce and reach maturity very quick, although continue to grow after that! They eat plants! See my signature for help. Try and guess what the apache's are :D
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Assassins are pretty ineffective and getting rid of snails, they will keep the numbers down but sadly snails breed faster than assassins will terminate. I had about 15 assassins in a 250ltr and they barely touched the population but did gang up to take down a cardinal in my iwagumi.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Just pick them out as soon as you see them :) Assassins will only eat baby snails in any case and looks like some of yours are a bit beyond that stage. If you keep on top of it to start with it wont become an epidemic. (hopefully)
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Yeah, some are way past the baby stage! I'll pick them out as and when.

I noticed a tiny little white worm this evening as well. About 1/2mm thick and 3mm long. Seemed happy wiggling through the water . Quick little thing too. I wanted a photo but it's too fast and camera shy. I didn't have my macro lens nearby either, so it probably wouldn't have shown up.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Ah, those little dudes are awesome. I was looking at them at my LFS just yesterday. I can imagine them being able to gobble a cherry shrimp but I reckon an Amano would give it a run for it's money.

What do you think?

Shrimp wise I'm planning on Amanos or those sulawesi dennerli if I can find any.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Haha I reckon amano's are bigger than them! :lol:
So no I don't think the puffers would bother them :)

I think the puffers would defintely have a go at the Cardinals though. I don't think it'd be fun losing £10 each time one gets chomped. Then again, I have no experience with any sulawesi shrimp. So I wouldn't know.
BUT I would love to see the cardinals in this tank :D
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

I'm pretty much sold on the sulawesi cardinals. I just need to find some! I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a little shrimp only tank too. I was thinking about one of those fluvial shrimp tank kits or I could get a little cube garden mini and make it a matching little cabinet to the 60-P. Is that overkill?
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Hi all,
I've never kept Sulawesi shrimps, but everything I've read suggests that they are tricky little b*ggers, and for that reason I would go for as bigger tank as you can find. The reason for this is that it is much easier to keep stable water conditions in a larger volume of water.

For the same reason I would keep them just with Tylomenia snails, and I would get the tank set up for several months before I added the snails. I'd also use the "reduction of BOD" method for tank maintenance, and treat them like fish with a high oxygen requirement. Have a look here <http://plecoplanet.com/?page_id=829>.

Water parameters may be important as well, and I would try to replicate water parameters for the lakes fairly closely.

LondonDragon and Gill have kept them, have a look a this post: <http://www.ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=16435>.

cheers Darrel
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Hehe, I can believe that Mike. Luckily my mrs has already green lit a 120cm tank for later in the year, so a little shrimp tank should be ok.

Thanks Darrel, I'm going to read up now. Maybe I should stick to hardier breeds until I have a bit more experience under my belt.
