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ADA 90P - "Low Roar"


14 Feb 2017
Hey guys,

So the new 90p arrived yesterday, and thankfully the weather outside allows for some trial and error in the sun. Thought I would share some initial layouts, I would love to hear thought and inputs.

Going for more of a Forrest style than usual. At our disposal is various driftwoods along with around 60-80kg of ADA Manten stone.


Hi, nice tank! I would be scared to scratch that 90p with those Big rocks.

Layout has a nice flow, any plant list yet?😉
Hi, nice tank! I would be scared to scratch that 90p with those Big rocks.

Layout has a nice flow, any plant list yet?😉

"Flow" was the expression I was trying to get through with this layout. A wave was the movement of inspiration for this.

Lately I've been reading up on the origins of Amanos creations, which have led me to this; a mix of classic NA style (right side) and the more competitive diorama style (left side) this is my humble attempt at a fusion of the two. I'll take my time with this one, to try and do both styles justice.
I like it, strong hardscape!

Careful not to hide too much of it with invasive plants or mosses. 🙂

Would love to see some riccardia, bucephalandra, and small anubias on and between those roots.

As an background plants I would suggest Crinum calamistratum, that has a nice curly leaves to go with your roots.

I like it, strong hardscape!

Careful not to hide too much of it with invasive plants or mosses. 🙂

Would love to see some riccardia, bucephalandra, and small anubias on and between those roots.

As an background plants I would suggest Crinum calamistratum, that has a nice curly leaves to go with your roots.


Great suggestions 😀

I will remember those 🙂
I’m not really a fan of these types of scapes 😳

but I’ve no doubt it will end up outstanding 😀

Is this the classic 90P?
90 x 45 x 45
I’m not really a fan of these types of scapes 😳

but I’ve no doubt it will end up outstanding 😀

Is this the classic 90P?
90 x 45 x 45

Totally fair point. I'm trying to do something slightly different with each scape so some will be hit or miss.

It's the OG 90p. I actually think it was ADA that popularized the standard measurement of 90x45x45

One of the ADA staff and companion on many of Amanos field trip told me last year in japan, that Amano got the measurements from old film roll since some of them apparently had the 60x36mm 90x45mm size, and these "frames" was what led to those numbers
Lights on!

Plants arrive on Friday, powered by Tropica:

Bucephalandra sp. 'Red' x3

Bucephalandra 'Wavy Green' x3

Cryptocoryne albida 'Brown' x3

Ludwigia palustris x3

Bolbitis heudelotii x5

Ceratopteris thalictroides x3

Cryptocoryne parva x 3

Hydrocotyle tripartite 1-2-GROW x2

Myriophyllum mattogrossense x 3

Rotala 'Vietnam H'ra' 1-2-GROW x3

Rotala 'Green' x3

Vesicularia ferriei 'Weeping' x5

Fissidens fontanus x3

Riccardia chamedryfolia x3