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ADA Light screen

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14 Feb 2017
So at last years IAPLC, ADA showcased their new upcoming products including a updated surface skimmer with integrated float switch. The big buzz however was from their attachable LED background “Light Screen” complete with dimmer and gradiatien sheet.

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Now, I know you might as well put a brand new 4K monitor behind your tank with the price tag ADA is sticking on this thing, but I can’t help but admire the potential an astetics, not to mention it’s nice to see such a product available commercially for what previously had to be done DIY.

As with most ADA product you either love it, or you don’t - for me personally; their products just looks and works annoyingly well, although I hate the price tag that comes along.
So I’m really interested to hear who else is looking forward to this product or have perhaps already decided to buy?

Pretty cool but you can achieve a similar effect with just cheap strip RGB LED lights and some tracing paper, not as sleek looking but probably 1% of the cost 😛
Make your own.

Get a Philips Hue LED strip to fit your size of tank. Probs cost average £40. Put it behind some frosted backing sheet.

You can change its colour to anything you like then. All through the app on your phone.
Make your own.

Get a Philips Hue LED strip to fit your size of tank. Probs cost average £40. Put it behind some frosted backing sheet.

You can change its colour to anything you like then. All through the app on your phone.

I get what you’re saying.

For me personally, my cabinet follows the profile of the tank - so no spare room behind it. And for this reason alone it’s nice to have a background that attaches itself to the glass instead. Also with the DIY solution you would probably only get light from the bottom. This screen illuminates all around the edges.
How about a samsung 32 inch LED monitor (50x73 cm) stuck behind it (229 euro)
and this:

I totally see your point! But then again, you would have to think twice before putting a monitor right up against the tank with water drops coming down the sides from time to time.

Crikey, that's right at the limit of insanity, but still doable, clever positioning by ADA.

Pretty much the Apple approch of the aquarium hobby