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ADA Mini M - Rescape


25 Oct 2008
Budapest, Hungary
Allright i did that... Did a rescape on my nano yesterday. 😉
Had that for a year, a few months longer than i expected, but did not had time to do a new tank.
Who is not familiar with the past form here it is: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=6440&start=50&hilit=memorable+night

The new tank updates:
Substrate: ADA Penac P, Powersand Spec M, Amazonia I, Amazonia I Powder
Plants: hemianthus callitrichoides, utricularia graminifolia, bit of byxa, lilaeopsis brasiliensis, crypto parva, rotala. The rotala i may will remove later but i kind of like the redish color behind the stone now.
The rest of the specs is the same as before.
Decor: Seiryu stones
Ferts: same as before ADA Step 1, Brighty K, ECA. At WC Green Bacter, Green Gain, Phyton Git

Started the rescape with a removal. Removed everything, plants, wood, fishes, shrimps, soil. I had the filter running with NA Carbon for 4 months now. I left it run til i worked on the scape in a bucket full with my fishes and shrimps.

This time i did some kind of Iwagumi, but i was limited in many ways. Did not got the plants i needed, i was not sure to do a stone, stone and wood or a wood scape again. Did not spent enough time to work out a scape and decide on the stone form. Manten or Seiryu. At the end Seiryu won because the smallest Manten was still too much in this small tank.

This time i did not spent too much to think about how this will look like i just did it. And will see how this goes in the next month, but really refreshing to see a new scape again, and finally i see my shrimps. 😀 Haven't seen any babies as all of them was hided in the moss forest earlier.

The steps:

Penac P and Powersand Spec M


Amazonia is in with the stones


Powder is in, and i messed up the landscape a bit


Plants are in and tank is filled up with water. Amazonia cloud is here as i expected


Then i switched on my filter with the old NA Carbon in it and after 5 minutes it was ok 😀


At this point i did the following. Since my filter was matured i thought i will put back all my fishes and shrimps to this tank. Of course i tested the water hourly etc, and additionally added Green Bacter to the water and used Seachem Prime to handle the tap water which was fresh in the tank (not used any water from the old tank except the filter).

The water looked ok so i added in all of my shrimps, baby shrimps and fishes. And turned on an air pump next to the filter inlet to boost the bacterial activity in the first day.

Today was ok. Shrimps and fishes felt good, and as i tested the water several times a day there was no danger at all.
Was amazing to see these beauties as they walked in the new tank. Really enjoyed the open view.





made a quick video from the tank to see how this looks with all the movement. just a quick vid nothing fancy 😀

(The DC is blue because i added that in before the video to test my CO2 in the next few days til i set up the right ammount again.)

So this was the first day after the setup. Was nice to see a fresh tank, all my shrimps, this is my first iwagumi tank. Hopefully will do well in the next few months so this will look better probably 😀

Also was intresting to see which is the strongest, how the start will work out:
Matured filter with a 4 month old NA Carbon in it, Seachem Prime, Green Bacter, Air Pump
or the Fresh setup 1 liter substrate fert (powersand spec), 4 liter of Amazonia with 100% tapwater.
From what i see now the first group handled the job pretty well, however this is not something what i would recommend to anyone. The goal was not to test things on my fav shrimps and fishes, but i did not had a container to hold them for a week or 2 til the tank is prepared. So i decided to throw in all kind of booster, as i had to speed up the process. Also if i found that the test shows unaccceptable results i would never add in the residents.

That's it. A new scape. Will update this journal in the future. And of course your questions, comments, concerns or ideas are welcome :thumbup:

Who read all of this won a baby shrimp already from me :hilarious:
I am a winner!Free shrimp! :lol: :lol:

Looks good, nice detailed journal which i like!

You have some nice shrimp in there, what are the white ones?
andyh said:
I am a winner!Free shrimp! :lol: :lol:

Looks good, nice detailed journal which i like!

You have some nice shrimp in there, what are the white ones?

You're the man! :thumbup: 😉
Thanks for your nice words.

Well this shrimp group was an initial test if i can keep them or not in this small tank. They are not the top expensive ones, but i keep them and looks like breed them in the last 4 months. Next i may will get some Mosura ones as that's my fav one. I did not thad luck before with the Sulawesi shrimps. But i feels like Carbon just keep control the water in this small tank so these sensitive species can live without any problem.

The white ones are golden snow bee.
Lovely looking set-up, Viktor! I am sure this is going to turn into another great layout and it looks very promising already. Excellent photography and video too!

It will be interesting to see if you do get any ammonia spikes, even with a mature filter etc.

It will also be nice to see someone succeed with Utricularia graminifolia!

What water changes are you performing - how much and how often?

Gotta love the ADA gear mate. 😀

Thanks for sharing, as always, Mr Lantos! 😀
Thanks guys for your nice words 😀

flygja said:
Nice rock formation! So much texture in them.

cheers :thumbup: had played a bit with the stones i had, til i selected these pieces. unfortunatelly they appeared to be bigger out of the tank 😉 but i added a bit more soil on the top of them and forget to lift them up. :lol: i kind of like these sharp edges and textures too.

JamesM said:
Very nice Viktor 8) Like the video, the music is cool too 😀

Thank you James :thumbup:

George Farmer said:
Lovely looking set-up, Viktor! I am sure this is going to turn into another great layout and it looks very promising already. Excellent photography and video too!

Thanks George :thumbup: Well that's happen if someone spend here a bit more time. Getting inspired by all the members rocky, gravel scape, and as we get daily dose from the photo masters, we try to keep up. UKAPS :thumbup:

George Farmer said:
It will be interesting to see if you do get any ammonia spikes, even with a mature filter etc.

Absolutelly, of course i would never try this in my large tank where 4-5 9liter bag of soil needed. Do not think that would happen the same way. But the 4 liter soil versus the current eheim ecco pro filter seems a doable way.

George Farmer said:
It will also be nice to see someone succeed with Utricularia graminifolia!

Fingers crossed! :lol:

George Farmer said:
What water changes are you performing - how much and how often?

Currently daily 50% in the first week. From the second i will probably change back to regular maintenance if things goes well. That's 40-50% weekly.

George Farmer said:
Gotta love the ADA gear mate.

lovely piece. just that giant diffuser need to be replaced. :lol: i had a nano one but that was too small to perform well. then i added one of my large diffuser from the large tank. it was ok as i just dropped behind the mosss forest. was not visible. but on a layout like this.... will replace shortly.
It looks great Viktor :thumbup: It's nice to see step by step pictures - ADA porn :lol:

I think the Rotala will look nice behind the rock. I'll be interested to see how the UG develops for you, it's a plant i'm interested in using in the future.
Looking great Viktor 🙂 definitely one to watch 🙂 congrats on the new setup, those yellow shrimp look great too 🙂
Really liking this one.

Can imagine once everything will grow out will be a very pretty picture.

The shrimps are lucky to have such a lovely home.
Like George, I'm interested to see if you can get the UG to grow, I'm currently trying it emergent. I've heard that it likes low fert conditions which may be at odds with the regimen for the other plants. Carbon is quite impressive, the way it sorted out the clarity. Best of luck, Tom
Really looking forward to seeing how you do with the UG, a plant that definitely deserves it's very difficult tag.
saintly said:
Quality viktor. looks like the UG is doing good. Do you have any bits of information for this plant on start up?

cheers Mark 😉
I do not have any spec thing to do with it. I guess it's too early to say anything. Earlier when i've tried this melted. Used different kind of sources like Anubias gel type and Tropica ones too. This time Tropica again, but as this is a small nano i can watch every details more carefully. I got these 2 pots in perfect condition probably they were under water with co2 earlier. I had to keep it in my large tank for 4 days before i rescaped my nano. there i kept it close to the co2 and i've seen it's really like it.


currently after 4 days this started to release from the soil. so i put all those back deeper into the soil. will see how that goes.
the tank is nearly 2 weeks old around this time. the initial cycling period went well with all those fish and shrimp in the tank. did not had any problem at all. even the baby shrimps doing well. no algae, the small on the rock which i had for 3 days also disappeared. so the new soil ammonia leach handled well.

plants are settling in nicely. HC is sending its roots everywhere. rotala, blyxa also doing well. Utricularia is the only one where i may will loose again. part of that is melted. some others grew out from the soil. a few days ago i removed the wool which i used to plant these to the soil and replanted the UG deeply into the soil. will see if this start to grow.

still using only the NA Carbon as a filtration for many months now and i do not see problem with it yet. But will replace it shortly to a new one.


used a black photo backround to see how the tank would look with a dark background. clear one looks better to me.


and a few shrimp shots at the end:

this one is a small one but not the smallest in the group 😉 you can see how small it is as there's a powder soil next to that


nice group capture


this one is intresting as you can see all 3 color versions. the black, red and the white one.


as the plant started to grow i expect big changes in the next 2 weeks. and finaly my new diffuser is on the way so i can replace this giant ceramic one 😉
looks really nice viktor.

I see you've still got liliaeopsis leaves still in tact, and some wilting....cut these off now my friend.

The clear background is better! Have you tried placing a second light at the rear of the tank, shining upwards?
Coming along very nicely, Viktor! 😀

Good luck with the UG!

viktorlantos said:
still using only the NA Carbon as a filtration for many months now and i do not see problem with it yet. But will replace it shortly to a new one.
The carbon will have turned from a chemical adsorbtion media into biological media. Beware that you may lose a lot of biological filtration capacity by replacing it with new carbon in the initial period.