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ADA Seiryu Stone vs Mini Landscape Rock

LondonDragon said:
ghostsword said:
Paulo, please don't say that because it isn't true, and it hurts my feelings when you make a comment like that.. Had you told me that the rocks were under half price than what was on show believe me I would have taken note on it.
Luis we were talking there about the rocks being the same as mini landscape rock, I did say I purchased mine at MA, not sure if you were there or not but I think you were, Neil was there with us also. I just never said how much I paid for it cause no one asked 😛

You cheeky git :evil: .. LOL.. You left the most important bit out.. 😀

Well, my tank looks good with the rocks.. But the next 10kg of rock I know where to get them.. 🙂
ghostsword said:
You cheeky git :evil: .. LOL.. You left the most important bit out.. 😀
Well, my tank looks good with the rocks.. But the next 10kg of rock I know where to get them.. 🙂
Off course they look good I picked them 😛 mind you saying they were expensive, but sometimes its hard to find what you want, and at least you got the ones you wanted, I brought some and in the end they are in the balcony on shelve lol you can have a look at those next time you round my area, I will give you a discount lol 😛
ghostsword said:
Might look at the ones you got on the balcony .. 🙂
One is too small for you tank, the other is too round, but there is a nice large one which is slim in a triangular shape that would be nice for your "rock wall" 😉
This is an interesting topic for me and I'm still to buy my hardscape. 😀

The question of what people are willing to pay I think is down to the individual and their goals.

I would personally prefer to spend twice as much on something, and guarantee that it will be exactly what I am after. :geek:

Of course, you could buy twice as much from a cheaper source, and hope for the best that there will be enough suitable pieces. If an online retailer can give you photos etc. then great but I don't think you can beat holding the pieces and seeing them in 3 dimensions. :thumbup:

I also think some people don't really know exactly what they want, as they have no definitive hardscape plan. An aquascape that uses alot of wood with some stone around it would be a good example. As opposed to a pure iwagumi were the size and shape of the rocks are much more important.

It is interesting to read that ADA have the largest pieces. I am considering an iwagumi in my 60cm optiwhite and feel that I need at least one very large stone to be the main stone. It sounds like I may have to get it from ADA - which I'd be happy to do. ADA are relatively expensive, but if it helps to achieve my goals then I am more than happy to pay a premium. 🙂

I also think that it's worth paying a premium for products that are sold in such a great-looking shop like TGM where you are given cups of tea, comfortable seats to read Aqua Journals, as well as see brilliant display tanks and given great advice from the likes of Graeme Edwards. That experience for me is worth a few extra quid for their products and I'm really looking forward to making a visit sometime. 😀 😀
LondonDragon said:
ghostsword said:
Might look at the ones you got on the balcony .. 🙂
One is too small for you tank, the other is too round, but there is a nice large one which is slim in a triangular shape that would be nice for your "rock wall" 😉

prices, send me prices.. 🙂
@ Laura,

You are right on the fact that the shop is a experience that one should do. It is very welcoming, lots of magazines to read, lovely tanks to look at and very friendly people. Had the shop be in London it would be full day in day out, they could even serve coffee and charge for it.

Regarding the rocks, there are items on stock for all tastes, and some rocks are indeed large, and must weight more than 100kg for sure. If TGM just sold tank decorations they would still be an amazing shop. Pitty that it is an 8 hour round trip from London...

If for you it is ok to pay more than twice as much for the perfect piece of rock, then you will be in your perfect environment, as there is no way you cannot find what you want at TGM, it is just impossible. You will even find what you didn't think you want or needed.. 😀

With hindsight would I have paid the £6.75 per KG for the rocks I got? My head says no, but my heart says yes.

The 6kg of rocks I got are more beautiful that anything else I got on my tank, and being rocks they will last forever, I am not even looking at the plants, just to see the shrimp walking along the rock wall is mesmerizing.

In 20 or 30 years time I will look at them and think about the fantastic trip I had with some plant nutters to the end of the earth to look at acrylic tanks, a shoal of Altum Angel's and have coffee served within ten minutes of walking into a shop.

Hi Luis

Thanks for your reply to my post.

I am pleased to see that you don't seem to feel so bad about spending a bit more cash than 'absolutely necessary'.

I buy a lot of beauty products from Chanel. Kind of like the ADA equivalent for my line of work. I have been over to Paris to see their flagship store and paid way over the odds for some products that I could have got much much cheaper from the Internet. However, it did not feel so bad, as the whole experience was worth the extra expense. I think the same principle could be applied to your trip to TGM?
Luis just takes a little bit of persuasion then he sees the light and all is well haha 😉
LondonDragon said:
Luis just takes a little bit of persuasion then he sees the light and all is well haha 😉

I am not gutted at spending the money, I am gutted of now knowing that there were cheaper options.. 🙂

Money comes and goes, experience is a different matter.

I need to buy close to another 10kg of rock (less than that), but I am able to explain to online shops what I want, so I will not be buying it from TGM. 🙂

But I do not entirely regret buying the previous rocks on the shop, I was treated really good while there, and ended up spending close to £130 on just rocks and magazines.

I now wonder if I can get that sort of rock cheaper, need to go to Portugal and check the hills.. 🙂
You can get very similar stuff from Dove Dale in Derbyshire, you just need to do some walking.
Garuf said:
You can get very similar stuff from Dove Dale in Derbyshire, you just need to do some walking.

Good man.. I will check it out.. 🙂 it will be even better, walking, exercising and picking up rocks.. 🙂 Good excuse for me to leave London, been too much of a city boy..
It's very close to where I live, if it's in the summer when you visit I'll take you to where I got them.
Yeah and part of the Midlands, which wasn't the north last time I checked.
You haven't, it used to really annoy me with most of the people on my course always calling me a northerner as though it was a bad thing to not be from London.

Sirayu stone is a limestone, I took some to a lecturer for geology and was certain is was a type of limestone, I wrote the name down but can't find it in my bag.