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Algae in new tank

New plant arrived today and got it planted. Tank is looking great. Can’t wait till it grows out more and all the plants thicken up. With the constant cleaning, the algae seems to be dying back, hopefully the Monte Carlo and repens will recover. Repens has been the worst affected will algae on most leaves.
Cheers Chris


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Repens has been the worst affected will algae on most leaves

Can be tricky and struggle for some time with S Repens till the Flow and CO2 was right and a good plant Biomass in tank then algae sorted itself out. Cutting off melting rotting leaves along the way helps too and replant stem. Once the tank got a good biomass I turn the light slowly to 100% intensity and no LCO2 and still no algae, was at much lower light to start off with less than 50% plus LCO2 ferts are at 150% EI and Big WC once a week 60-90%
Ok cheers guys, hopefully the new plant will help. Will keep plodding through, tank is slowly starting to look better. Will keep trying to clean it otherwise I’ll have to eventually remove it and add another plant later on if it doesn’t pull through. Am removing dying leave still. Will increase the light photoperiod in a weeks time and then slowly increase up to my final photoperiod.
Cheers Chris