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Ammania lower leaves going brown


15 Mar 2016
Hong Kong
My ammania's lower leaves usually go patchy and brown, sometimes glass-like. I usually pinch them off and everything is fine. But is that normal? I'm wondering whether it's too much iron or ammonia burn. Unlikely because i do not dose much iron and ammonia is 0 - 5ppm.
It can't be iron. Iron is a micronutrient bleaching new growth if deficient. It will not affect older leaves. I don't know what iron toxicity would cause but I doubt it would affect lower leaves.
I'd guess the issue could be either macro nutrients such as nitrate, phosphate, potassium or lack of light/co2/flow.
Why do you think it would be ammonia burn? Plants consume ammonia. It's unlikely you've got extreme ammonia levels in the water column that would affect plants in any way.
yea I think you're right. It's most likely flow/co2 because my ammania forest is quite dense. I have strong flow going over the plants but am not sure how to get it to penetrate the thicker areas.