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10 Aug 2021
Hi Everyone,

Hope some of you can guide me in the right direction if you don't mind.
I have a 450 litre tank, which is 700mm deep and been set up and running for over a year now. All plants were healthy but it was a struggle keeping green stringy algae under control.
So 2 months ago I added a CO2 system and whilst most plants are doing well, my anubias that were all previously healthy all seem to be dying.
I was dosing fertiliser one a week, and have changed that to twice a week since adding CO2.
Any ideas what I need to do.

Thanks, Ady
I'm sure folks can help but more details would be helpful. Have a look at this ~

I realise algae might not be the issue but the more details you provide will result in better advice towards your particular set up and issues.
What’s the symptoms?