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Bass Fishing Productions, YouTube

Tim Harrison

5 Nov 2011
Stumbled upon this guy on YouTube. He's having a blast treasure hunting, rescuing all sorts of exotic fish from abandoned buildings, ponds, and backyard pools etc. It's amazing what some folk apparently get up to in the privacy of their own homes :)

Hi all,
He's having a blast treasure hunting, rescuing all sorts of exotic fish from abandoned buildings, ponds, and backyard pools etc. It's amazing what some folk apparently get up to in the privacy of their own homes
There is a thread on PlanetCatfish <"Brigs fishing Team">.
".......Bass Fishing Productions has come under intense social media controversy for their fake ‘pet store dumpster rescue’ stunts.

While viewers believe that Bobby and his crew are rescuing thrown-out fish, it appears that Bobby previously bought these to stage a ‘rescue’ and essentially faking the whole thing.

These staged ‘rescues’ ultimately go viral, earning Bobby a ton of clicks, views and ultimately revenue from YouTube.

And his loyal fans believe the stunt 100%!

It’s an incredible strategy…until you’re busted for it!"..........
cheers Darrel