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Beamswork V4 LEDs


20 Jul 2015
any one using the Beamswork LED V4 units I am looking to set up a 1500 long tank
What are your expectations of this light unit? - it will perform rather differently on a 60cm deep tank vs a 30 - 36cm deep tank ... ask the company for PAR data or at least to identify LED's used so you can research expected/likely PAR values
(I'd be surprised if 0.5watt LED's gave much intensity at 50 - 60 cm water depth)
I have come from reef keeping and looking for a planted set up so I am not sure with LEDs [I used 250w halides with marines ] the other option would be 4 80w T5 tubes
what would you think
What are the tank dimensions? what's your lighting budget?
- note if you go with "high" light you also need to budget "high" CO2 & be consistent with fertilizers/tank maintenance

Is there a local shop where you can go look at various LED vs T5 light options, especially on display tanks? appearance of the tank is very different (point source light vs linear).
Both T5 & LED are suitable, if you like programmable control (over intensity, spectra, light on/off ramps, simulated cloud cover, sunrise/sunset etc) focus on LED, but expect to pay more $$$.

There are some reasonable LED units with on-board controllers (limited compared to what's out there but sufficient for many) with competitive pricing BUT if your tank is 50 - 60cm depth & you want rapid growth, options are more limited (you'd also want to consider HOT5 with decent reflectors for this situation).
Hi Alto thanks for the reply
I am looking to set up a 1500 x 600 x 600 tank - no hood just cover glasses , CO2 unit and ext canister filter

a mix of tetras with gouramis , corys , rams , ottos etc

from what I understand these fish do not like to much light so I was going to use plants of med light requirements and a some sort of luminare - all pond solutions do a 4 x T5 80w luminaire for £200 which looks like a good price , and from what I an reading most people do not need to change the tubes yearly