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Pygmy cories really need a minimum of 10 to feel safe at all, they're very tiny and cute and shoal, they hide a lot when there are only a few (I once bought 8 online, but I was done and they were basically tiny fry when they came and after a few weeks on 3 were left which I only saw occasionally. Once the LFS had them, I bought 8 more and the difference was enormous, they shoal together and stay together always and it's much cuter). They are not really like normal corydoras, they don't just live on the bottom sifting sand. Don't expect any of your animals to clean the tank, the corydoras (and shrimps) may eat leftover bits of food, but you should make sure they get food that's right for them (like sinking food for the corys, algae wafer for shrimps), and clean the gravel yourself, the animals can't really help with that. Having bottom-feeding fish is nice though, personally they are my favourite kinds of fish and they come in lots of variety.

If you get 2 female guppies, you will soon have MANY guppies. The fry might be eaten by some of the other fish, but you may end up with way too many. If you like the guppies, it would be better to just get all males (which are prettier).

Cherry shrimp and snails a very small footprint, as they're mostly eating the waste and algae in the tank. It would be good to see a new photo of your aquarium, your shrimp will need lots of plants to hide in so they don't get eaten immediately. I'd also get a minimum of 10 shrimp cos they're so cheap and small, and they will need to hide so your fish don't see them, so you want enough so they survive the eating + so you can see them sometimes.

Personally I would get the pygmy corys (10), the cherry shrimps and the snail. If that is overstocked, I would give back my least favourite one or two of the fish you already have. If I was being really honest, I would give back most of the fish you already have, except for my absolute favourites, and then get 1 or 2 more of that favourite fish to see how they act around eachother. It is best not to be overstocked, as it will affect the water quality.
Pygmy cories really need a minimum of 10 to feel safe at all, they're very tiny and cute and shoal, they hide a lot when there are only a few (I once bought 8 online, but I was done and they were basically tiny fry when they came and after a few weeks on 3 were left which I only saw occasionally. Once the LFS had them, I bought 8 more and the difference was enormous, they shoal together and stay together always and it's much cuter). They are not really like normal corydoras, they don't just live on the bottom sifting sand. Don't expect any of your animals to clean the tank, the corydoras (and shrimps) may eat leftover bits of food, but you should make sure they get food that's right for them (like sinking food for the corys, algae wafer for shrimps), and clean the gravel yourself, the animals can't really help with that. Having bottom-feeding fish is nice though, personally they are my favourite kinds of fish and they come in lots of variety.

If you get 2 female guppies, you will soon have MANY guppies. The fry might be eaten by some of the other fish, but you may end up with way too many. If you like the guppies, it would be better to just get all males (which are prettier).

Cherry shrimp and snails a very small footprint, as they're mostly eating the waste and algae in the tank. It would be good to see a new photo of your aquarium, your shrimp will need lots of plants to hide in so they don't get eaten immediately. I'd also get a minimum of 10 shrimp cos they're so cheap and small, and they will need to hide so your fish don't see them, so you want enough so they survive the eating + so you can see them sometimes.

Personally I would get the pygmy corys (10), the cherry shrimps and the snail. If that is overstocked, I would give back my least favourite one or two of the fish you already have. If I was being really honest, I would give back most of the fish you already have, except for my absolute favourites, and then get 1 or 2 more of that favourite fish to see how they act around eachother. It is best not to be overstocked, as it will affect the water quality.
@shangman Thank you for the advice but we couldn't get rid of the 6 fish we have. They are family now.. It was quite upsetting to return the other lot to the shop when we realised that we had an overcrowded tank.
With the guppies I misunderstood: we actually had 3 males and we sent two back cause I understood that we had to keep one male and two females. Now I understand what they meant by that.
We could not get the guppies and maybe get another Honey Gourami as he/she is our favourite.
For the corys we couldn't get more than four so... or we skip altogether or we stick to that number.
They picture was taken yesterday. The only difference is the coconut bits with the Java moss. Its only been there for a couple of days