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Best Method of Planting


20 Jun 2011
Devizes, Wiltshire
Bit of a "back to basics" question really, but one that I seem to have lost my google-fu on. I'm toying with the idea of re-doing my tank, so putting in a new substrate and re-arranging my plants using the various bits of knowledge I've learned over the past few months of owning fish & a tank, so that they have better placement and may my tank look more lush (this will include a trim of all the manky leaves).

My question is, what is the best method of planting plants in a tank? I've always poked my finger into the gravel and tried to poke the plant root in and cover it over, but is this the best way of doing it? 50% of the time, the plant will have bounced up and be floating on the top of the tank which means even more rooting around.

I've currently got standard sized aquarium gravel (5mm-ish) but am going to go to Unipac micro (so 2~3mm) and a deeper layer too.

