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betta I'd please


New Member
15 Nov 2016
south yorkshire
can anyone ID this betta. I can't decide if it's a female or male splenden. or maybe betta siamorientalis. not sure about uploading pictures so if it doesn't work it's also the fish in my avatar.


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pets at home in with the female betta splendens. here's another picture still not great quality I'm afraid. I actually wanted betta imbellis so hopefully your right.


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Don't forget this is what wild type Betta splendens looks like (wild type males sometimes show up in the female B splendens shipments, also wild type females)

Betta splendens

Place the fish in a specimen container for better photos 🙂
good idea alto. don't wanna stress him/her to much today so will wait till tomorrow. I've got a perfect container for the job.
Have a look under its belly, if it has a white dot then it's a female holding eggs which they get constantly. I'd never buy from pets at home in the future. I used to when I first started out and got a male betta sold as a female...... Turned out to be a very nice looking half moon

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I don't usually buy from fish pets at home neither. went for some plant fertilizer and saw it in the tank. it looked healthy enough and very simular to betta imbellis. I've been wanting b. imbellis for a while now so thought I'd give it a home. it won't be kept with any other bettas and I have a spare tank just incase it takes a dislike to the boraras brigittae it's living with.
Hi all,
Looks like a betta splendens plakat male
It does.

Does it have any iridescent scales on the gill cover (operculum?)? Betta splendens doesn't have any iridescent scales, Betta imbellis does.
From <"Seriously Fish: Betta splendens">
The unique combination of characters distinguishing B. splendens from others in the group is as follows: no iridescent scales on opercle; opercle with red-coloured parallel vertical bars; fins in male blue, green, or red; head and body relatively stocky with depth 27.1-32.2 % SL.
cheers Darrel
It would be unlikely to be anything else as all the Betta splendens will be from massive farms.

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been doing a fair bit of research into bettas and it really seems impossible to pinpoint exactly what type this fish is. I agree with you lindy i just didn't expect to find a wild coloured male betta in a tank full of females. it's hard to spot iridescent gill scales but I think there is some. I went back in the shop today and had a good look and there's other males in the tank. The lighter coloured females definitely have iridescent blue gill scales so maybe there's some hybridisation going on. the other thing is they weren't fighting. there was a little flaring going on but nothing more. Im going to my lfs over the weekend and the owners a betta collector so maybe he'll know more.
thanks everyone
Young Bettas, sibling Bettas can often be kept in groups, even unrelated adult male B splendens can be maintained in "groups" IF care is taken with selecting the individuals & tank set up (though also expect some flaring & likely fin damage)

Unfortunately with the advent of "dragonscale" or "metallic" B splendens (likely introduced through hybrid crosses though this is unclear), the presence/absence of "iridescent scales on the gill cover" is no longer a defining indication of B splendens vs non-B splendens

While show quality "dragonscale" is obvious, this trait shows a broad range of phenotype (rather like "halfmoon" & "rose" tail expression) & has "contaminated" many lines.

if it has a white dot then it's a female holding eggs which they get constantly. I'd never buy from pets at home in the future. I used to when I first started out and got a male betta sold as a female......
Males can also show a "white dot" & females can lack a "white dot", so this is not definitive of female B splendens
Young Bettas can be difficult to distinguish sex, especially if you aren't familiar with the line ... there is also trade in young females Bettas (much lower value) being sold as (fancy) juvenile male Bettas, especially plakat lines

I don't support Big Box aquarium shops but I'd not hold (likely inadvertent) Betta sex confusions against them 😉

Im going to my lfs over the weekend and the owners a betta collector so maybe he'll know more.
& please support them as well 🙂
& please support them as well 🙂

thanks alto you seem very knowledgeable.
I agree with everything you've said. Especially on supporting my lfs. There really has been a lack of decent shops where I live, and buying poor stock caused me to lose interest. for years my aquarium housed a single aging gourami and a catfish. Then luckily a new shop opened that stocks great fish and special orders most fish. he currently has a large group of boraras brigittae quarentining for me😉. he's even acclimatising them to my ph and hardness.:happy:

truth is I'm not to fussed on knowing his true identification. I originally wanted a small group of more peaceful bettas for my new asain themed scape. so it would've been nice for someone to say he's definitely imbellis and I could keep a group. but he's more than pretty enough to create the look i was going for on his own.🙄 (I'm new and found the smiley faces)
i just didn't expect to find a wild coloured male betta in a tank full of females.
It is quite a common colour. I bred a fancy male to a fancy female and some of the offspring ended up the wild type blue/black. Quite stunning fish.
Alto is absolutely correct about sexing these fish, It can be a nightmare and young males often masquarade as females.
I originally wanted a small group of more peaceful bettas for my new asain themed scape.
I suspect your lfs would give him a home & bring in a group of wilds (or tank bred suitable Betta species) at your request - the new owner sounds amazing :thumbup:
I suspect your lfs would give him a home & bring in a group of wilds (or tank bred suitable Betta species) at your request - the new owner sounds amazing :thumbup:

think I'll keep him unless he gets aggressive and then Id have a good excuse for a new aquarium and scape. I've been trying to talk the wife into letting me get a small tank for a while now.:lol:
They actually had some imbellis but had sold out by the time I'd decided that's what I wanted. and then when they ordered my boraras the importer didn't have any.🙁