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Betta sick?


11 Sep 2010
Manchester, UK
Hi, does anyone know if my betta fish has a fungal infection or something else? Pics attached from both sides.




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Appear's to be bacterial infection/pathogen to me.
By the time you/ we see this progression, it is pretty late in the game.
I would want to sort out any possible water quality issues lest the cardinal tetra's begin to exhibit similar symptom's.
Perhaps I am an Island ,but I would not attempt to medicate the fish but rather consider putting it down .
Would hope the symptom's were isolated to the one fish.
It's actually acting very normal, feeding and swimming fine. However I've bought some interpet anti fungus and fin rot which I will dose tonight.

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I would dose.mela fix.....I had the same issue with my betta. Just followed the instructions for 7 days and it dissappeared

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Fungus, as in actual fungus and not bacteria dies in high temperatures, over 28-29C or so. The best you can do for that fish is daily 70-80% water changes, good quality food and perhaps up the temperatures a bit. See how that goes after a week. If you see no improvements, then only then dose meds. Most of diseases are water quality related, environmental so to speak and extremely clean water, large water changes do miracles..
How is the fish? If he is still alive I'd take him out of that tank as it looks like his fins have been nipped to nothing by the tetra

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He's still alive and well, to be honest his fins were like that when I bought him.

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And don't use Melafix with labyrinth fish as it can coat the labyrinth organ and reduce its efficiency

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How long have you had him?
Apologies for my bluntness but he looks like a Betta with a chronic disease & he's putting up the Good Fight
- under suitable conditions, those fins should have healed & grown out, the scale abrasions completely repaired
( IF fish is healthy with no underlying disease )

Betta fins should never have that "stuck together" appearance
And don't use Melafix with labyrinth fish as it can coat the labyrinth organ and reduce its efficiency

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I have used melafix forever on labyrinth fish and never had any issues. Most of all my betta is better now than when I first got him and is currently breeding well with the females I have in there.

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