I thought I’d be starting a journal for my new 75 gallon (280 L) aquarium about now, but surprise! The shipping on the tank has been delayed for a couple more months (cries in American) so while I’m waiting, I am going to replace and upgrade my first planted tank ever - my 20 gallon long. I am using this opportunity to try out a lot of the ideas I have been batting around in my head for the big tank, only at a scale I am very accustomed to.
This tank is going to have two phases. In phase 1, I want to try out a bunch of new things, learn some new tricks, and grow out some new plant material for the 120P. In phase 2, I apply what I’ve learned and get everything how I want it long term.
For a little background, the build I’m ultimately replacing is a very humble set up - cheap framed tank, very basic low lighting, HOB filter, potting soil substrate, rocks out of my yard, only tried and true easy plants, and of course no CO2 injection. I did not try to do an aquascape per se; my goal was to grow plants and have a nice environment for my fish and I feel I have done that and learned a lot in the process. I have no regrets taking a conservative approach to its setup as a total beginner, but now that I have some experience I am ready to level up. Here is the original tank that I am sundowning:

Don’t @ me - I know it’s overgrown! You can't even really see the hardscape. And trust, if it weren’t a dirt tank I would have completely rescaped it a year ago, but I don’t think that’s possible to do without destroying the substrate and making a huge mess, so instead of doing a total tear down, I just started planning my big build. I have since been scared to throw away any plants I might need for that build, hence the thicket. It’s a cage of my own making at this point.
Enough about my old tank, let’s talk about the new one! I dark cycled it for two weeks, and then got antsy and planted it today:

(Note: there is a temporary rock on the driftwood to hold it down and the white sponge on the right is a placeholder.)
Tank: Mr. Aqua Exquisite Ultra Clear (36” x 12” x 12”, 22 gallons or ~83 liters)
Light: Finnex Planted+ ALC
Filter: Eheim 2215 with a slight remix of the provided media (2x the coarse sponge, no carbon or polishing pad)
Substrate: UNS Contrasoil, Caribsea Torpedo Beach cosmetic sand, a little Caribsea Gemstone Creek polished gravel
Hardscape: dragon stone and some driftwood
This is the first canister I have ever used, and aside from the fact the first one arrive with broken clips, it was easy to set up and virtually silent. Luckily I was sent a replacement within two days and they let me keep the old one, so I've got tons of spare parts now. I also am not totally acquainted with all the functions of the light yet, but I have it turned down at least, and have it set to a warmer color. I assume programming it will be annoying, but for now I've just got it on a smart timer.
I am still deciding if I ever want to try injecting CO2, but right now I am going to try to get as much out of my plants as I can without it. I am not itching to grow a bunch of stem plants with bad reputations, but I do want more color. Obviously @Sudipta has figured out how to do this to great effect and I hope to go in that direction even though I'm going for a somewhat different style of scape. Luckily my tap water has fairly good parameters to start with, but I anticipate a few areas that may come up short:
Stem: Ludwigia repens, L. ‘Super Red’, L. ‘Rubin’, Rotala ‘Super Mini Red’, (R. ‘H’ra)’, (R. ‘Blood Red’), Bacopa caroliniana, (B. monnieri), B. myriophylloides, Myriophyllum ‘Guyana’, (Alternanthera reineckii)
Cryptocoryne spp.:: C. purpurea, C. lucens, C. petchii, C. affinis ‘Red’, C. wendtii ‘Tropica’, ‘Mi Oya Red’, (C. retrospiralis)
Other rooted plants: red tiger lotus, (Blyxa japonica), Helanthium ‘Vesuvius’, (Aponogeton ‘Purple’)
Temporary nutrient sinks: anacharis
Epiphytes: None for now! I have a lot settled in my current tank, but I don’t plan to move any over until phase 2.
I have tried to pick a lot of plants that can potentially be very colorful without being too demanding overall. The first order of business is to get all the plants settled in and then I'll work on increasing the light and hopefully coax a few taxa to color up. I love crypts and have seen some interesting reds and browns from them even in low light, so I’ve made a big push to try varieties that tend to wander from green. I have been growing out crypts emersed for the past two months for this purpose and have found them to be insanely undemanding, even from TC. If anyone wants to hear about my emersed setup, I’m happy to talk more about it and share pictures.
I have held off on planting tissue culture Ludwigia ‘Super Red’ and Myriophyllum ‘Guyana’ as I want to let the tank settle in a little first, but everything else on the list has been added. I already suspect this is way too many species of stem plants for me to manage, at least for a tank this size. But some of them might not make it anyway, especially those that have to go through the trial by fire that is conversion.
The next little bit is my least favorite part - watching for melting plants and for algae issues. 😱 I know it’s going to be a wildly different tank in a year, but who knows what will happen in the meantime. I go back and forth between feeling like I’ve knocked it out of the park with this project (by my own standards, not trying to get any prizes here) and that I’m doomed for failure, though I know the truth is likely somewhere in the middle. I’m being a little melodramatic, but I have fully stepped outside of my comfort zone. Have I bitten off more than I can chew? I guess we'll see! Wish me luck!
This tank is going to have two phases. In phase 1, I want to try out a bunch of new things, learn some new tricks, and grow out some new plant material for the 120P. In phase 2, I apply what I’ve learned and get everything how I want it long term.
For a little background, the build I’m ultimately replacing is a very humble set up - cheap framed tank, very basic low lighting, HOB filter, potting soil substrate, rocks out of my yard, only tried and true easy plants, and of course no CO2 injection. I did not try to do an aquascape per se; my goal was to grow plants and have a nice environment for my fish and I feel I have done that and learned a lot in the process. I have no regrets taking a conservative approach to its setup as a total beginner, but now that I have some experience I am ready to level up. Here is the original tank that I am sundowning:

Don’t @ me - I know it’s overgrown! You can't even really see the hardscape. And trust, if it weren’t a dirt tank I would have completely rescaped it a year ago, but I don’t think that’s possible to do without destroying the substrate and making a huge mess, so instead of doing a total tear down, I just started planning my big build. I have since been scared to throw away any plants I might need for that build, hence the thicket. It’s a cage of my own making at this point.
Enough about my old tank, let’s talk about the new one! I dark cycled it for two weeks, and then got antsy and planted it today:

(Note: there is a temporary rock on the driftwood to hold it down and the white sponge on the right is a placeholder.)
Tank: Mr. Aqua Exquisite Ultra Clear (36” x 12” x 12”, 22 gallons or ~83 liters)
Light: Finnex Planted+ ALC
Filter: Eheim 2215 with a slight remix of the provided media (2x the coarse sponge, no carbon or polishing pad)
Substrate: UNS Contrasoil, Caribsea Torpedo Beach cosmetic sand, a little Caribsea Gemstone Creek polished gravel
Hardscape: dragon stone and some driftwood
This is the first canister I have ever used, and aside from the fact the first one arrive with broken clips, it was easy to set up and virtually silent. Luckily I was sent a replacement within two days and they let me keep the old one, so I've got tons of spare parts now. I also am not totally acquainted with all the functions of the light yet, but I have it turned down at least, and have it set to a warmer color. I assume programming it will be annoying, but for now I've just got it on a smart timer.
I am still deciding if I ever want to try injecting CO2, but right now I am going to try to get as much out of my plants as I can without it. I am not itching to grow a bunch of stem plants with bad reputations, but I do want more color. Obviously @Sudipta has figured out how to do this to great effect and I hope to go in that direction even though I'm going for a somewhat different style of scape. Luckily my tap water has fairly good parameters to start with, but I anticipate a few areas that may come up short:
- My kh is decently soft at 1.2 dkh according to my local water report (my test kit puts it between 1 and 2, so that number seems very reasonable), but the pH has been raised to ~7.5 out of the tap. Fresh aquasoil can buffer the water to be softer and more acidic, but I don’t know how challenging it will be to maintain that long term.
- I only have aquasoil covering about 60% of the tank. This is an aesthetic choice I am making, but if I decide that it’s holding me back I could easily replace it with more aquasoil later.
- My light isn’t strong enough to do 150+ umol PAR at the substrate. I should be able to get ~125 in the brightest spots and hopefully 100 at the edges. I could always replace the light or get a second, but as it is it’s way brighter than I’m used to dealing with. I’ll slowly ramp up intensity and see how it goes. I should be so lucky to have this as a problem, as it would mean that everything else is going very well.
Stem: Ludwigia repens, L. ‘Super Red’, L. ‘Rubin’, Rotala ‘Super Mini Red’, (R. ‘H’ra)’, (R. ‘Blood Red’), Bacopa caroliniana, (B. monnieri), B. myriophylloides, Myriophyllum ‘Guyana’, (Alternanthera reineckii)
Cryptocoryne spp.:: C. purpurea, C. lucens, C. petchii, C. affinis ‘Red’, C. wendtii ‘Tropica’, ‘Mi Oya Red’, (C. retrospiralis)
Other rooted plants: red tiger lotus, (Blyxa japonica), Helanthium ‘Vesuvius’, (Aponogeton ‘Purple’)
Temporary nutrient sinks: anacharis
Epiphytes: None for now! I have a lot settled in my current tank, but I don’t plan to move any over until phase 2.
I have tried to pick a lot of plants that can potentially be very colorful without being too demanding overall. The first order of business is to get all the plants settled in and then I'll work on increasing the light and hopefully coax a few taxa to color up. I love crypts and have seen some interesting reds and browns from them even in low light, so I’ve made a big push to try varieties that tend to wander from green. I have been growing out crypts emersed for the past two months for this purpose and have found them to be insanely undemanding, even from TC. If anyone wants to hear about my emersed setup, I’m happy to talk more about it and share pictures.
I have held off on planting tissue culture Ludwigia ‘Super Red’ and Myriophyllum ‘Guyana’ as I want to let the tank settle in a little first, but everything else on the list has been added. I already suspect this is way too many species of stem plants for me to manage, at least for a tank this size. But some of them might not make it anyway, especially those that have to go through the trial by fire that is conversion.
The next little bit is my least favorite part - watching for melting plants and for algae issues. 😱 I know it’s going to be a wildly different tank in a year, but who knows what will happen in the meantime. I go back and forth between feeling like I’ve knocked it out of the park with this project (by my own standards, not trying to get any prizes here) and that I’m doomed for failure, though I know the truth is likely somewhere in the middle. I’m being a little melodramatic, but I have fully stepped outside of my comfort zone. Have I bitten off more than I can chew? I guess we'll see! Wish me luck!