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Journal Black Cube 123 Version II

The long grasslike leaves on the right are Eleocharis sp montevidensis

Really like them as well, they give a nice wild feel to the tank.
I started with 2m/2f. One male chased the other behind the mattenfilter. Both females have had fry, but these are from the first batch. There are about 10 or so, i guess the aggresion gets diluted plenty now.
Got my hands on some Nymphaea gardneriana. Trying to get those going. (Never had any luck with N. glandulifera, tried it three times)
Handheld phone pic update ( sorry for the reflection)
Black cube has evolved again. After the N. mortenthaleri have perished ( just one every now and then) there were only some A. eremnopyge left. They hide all day in the growth on the sides and only come out for feeding if they think it's safe.
I added Axelrodia riesei, Corydoras pygmaeus and Poecilocharax Weitzmanni (10,10 and 8). At first they swam along hapilly in the open but now they seem to have taken over the hiding instinct so hard to show on a picture. They all eat well. I am bringing down the hardness on this tank to about 40-50 microsiemens as i want to try to breed the weitzmanni's.\
Added some pvc pipe pieces closed on one side and superglued some moss on them. Feeding is with grindal worms only (the riesei's really eat their fill and swim around like they are all pregnant).

🙁:arghh: Pitty.. I hope you find some again..

It's seems to be a very addaptive Lily.. Very interesting.. Could be of help too..


Unfortunately we need to subscribe to view the full text.. Yet no idea what the costs are it seems to vary on institution and or corporation..
Also not clear to me what the specific critics are to get membership. I guess as privat hobbyist we can't get in..
Added the last fish:
Trochilocharax ornatus (Hummingbird tetra) and Carnegiella myersi ( dwarf hatchetfish)
Haven't got my own pics yet, here are some of the interweb"
