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Blind cave fish


11 Oct 2009
I have kept Blind Cave Fish in the past, they are hyper active and fascinating fish but … they drove me mad in the end, what with thier never ending movement, flying around the tank (220l ) jumping out and generally bugging me!
However I do miss them and I plan to get a few more this coming Autumn, has anyone ever kept them?
Never have but always been tempted after reading an article on a tank set up for them in PFK in the mid 1990s.
Every shop seems to stock them now.
Was it this one?
Rocky tank PFK.jpg
Maybe. I remember it being 2 foot, all slate and no/blue lights only, but we're talking nearly 30 years ago so my memory cant be trusted.
That one was slate and rainboow rock, and blue light like the top (upside-down) pic.
I set it up. :) For either PFK or FKA (same publisher and photo studio).
Those pics are polaroids taken before the proper pics for the mag. I seem to remember it looked quite good for the time, and something a bit different.
That one was slate and rainboow rock, and blue light like the top (upside-down) pic.
I set it up. :) For either PFK or FKA (same publisher and photo studio).
Those pics are polaroids taken before the proper pics for the mag. I seem to remember it looked quite good for the time, and something a bit different.
Yeah, must be that one I remember. It was different for the time. It certainly stuck in my mind, along with a fast flowing river tank with boulders for various whiptail cats etc, around the same time. Did you do that one too?

Getting off topic now though, sorry.
They seemed to be in every shop back in the day. I always thought they looked exactly as you describe them foxfish, manic. They would make a really interesting species tank though so looking forward to see what you do with them.
They just dont seem to rest for one second!
It is a fascinating case study of how evolution has removed the necessity of sight when it is not required,
You would think they would make a great classroom fish.
I could build a cave tank…….