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Blue Monday Pass - EA Aquascaper 900

I have some Colorado sand and La Plata big sand, so the idea will be to have these rocks with the small sand in front and the big sand offering some form of transition from big to small.

Kind of like this, but the walls won't be as high as I want the wood to create some height.

View attachment 102301

Even with or without changing it that picture looks nice, I'm going to try to create something like that just without wood and use I think dragon stone, and use maybe bog wood and create a bridge across the sand or fine white gravel?
getting 200Litre tank this Saturday! Big step from a 46L

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I think the wood makes the difference. Rocks piled up look very uniformed, because they have to stand on top of each other and this is very unnatural. The wood is more angular, so creates the interest in the piece. It brings Chaos to order, which is more natural. Once you start adding in some Annubias and Microsorum you take even more of the uniformality away, then once you start adding in stems and Bolbitis you create a rocky river bank.

Well, that's the dream. I just wish I had some wood and a tank so I can play properly.
The problem is not your creation of a harbor. It is the uniformity of the size of your rocks in the wall. When they all look the same, it looks like a brick wall, disrupting the continuity of the layout, with or without stone. Your need to either get some larger rocks (that match) or break up some of the smaller rock IMO.

Amano used a bunch of different sized rocks to create similar structures as you, but the key was he used different sizes and allowed smaller rocks to fit in the cracks randomly. Check out this video and you will see what I mean:

I think you can only truly decide your layout after you have all the pieces (driftwood, tank, etc.). It is a waste of time to try with just 1/2 of the hardscape, because both parts need to fit together like lock and key, while looking 'dynamic' and maintaining that natural appeal.

Good Luck!!
Well, the tanks arrived and yet I can't get it up and running as I'm waiting to get the home office painted and then I'll be in. I need to get my head in the game but I have exams coming up for work, so I'll keep you posted.

As for getting some ideas, I've ordered in some larger Kei rocks which will arrive tomorrow to help build up the left. Here is an idea of where I'm going with this.

I'm quite a visual person and have a fairly good idea of where I'm going when I put my mind to it, so whilst I agree with you Shane

I think you can only truly decide your layout after you have all the pieces (driftwood, tank, etc.).

I'm not a million miles away from what I wanted in my head. Anyway. I do have some small and larger pieces already. Maybe I need to get a hammer to some pieces to make them smaller :happy:

Sorry about the reflection.

Should I keep the Tupperware?

I would fill a sack with lava rock and place underneath the wood instead of tupperwear! It will be better, both for you, and your significant other lol. My mom would kill me if I used something that was hers lmao (not married yet, only 16)
Haha. Joking about the Tupperware. I'm considerably older and earn the money, so the missus can bugger off.

I see ADA using pummace, which is similar for infill. I'm probably going to buy some lava rock, or some filter media to try and provide a solid base. I don't see why I need ADA soil up to the hilt.
Spray some water on that Kei stone so we can see the colors!

I prefer a dominant & little brother (sister?) island effect - they both appear equally significant in the photos ... though Kei stone colors & planting will likely strongly impact this perception

If possible, flood the tank & see how this impacts perception of the wood/rock
(I've had hardscapes I loved sans water turn into hate-scapes- of course by then I've planted etc so just wait it out until I feel like a major rescape)

Also pretend to carry out a full maintenance on the tank - trimming, vacuuming etc - my recent scape was impossible to vacuum (& there were surprise substrate issues that meant I really needed the access) so I finally ripped it apart, removed the substrate etc ... fish are much happier now 🙂
What's the kibble rock? 😉
(It should match the stone - IMNSHO :angelic: )
Hi Guys & Gals.

It's been a few weeks since I posted. Lots going on with work exams and decorating.

The scapes been planted for a couple of weeks. Mostly everything is going ok. I have a little hair algae on the Bolbitis which I'm tackling with small doses of excel. I had fun planting after plants I requested to be delivered Saturday, arrived Thursday, so spent a few hours late into the evening after getting a train to Manchester from London.

The cryptocoryne bottom right took a bit of a hammering when it was planted. I'm starting to see fresh growth so hopefully it will recover. I've heard they can be a bit of a pain.

Plant list is as follows

Hygrophila difformis
Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig'
Hygrophila polysperma
Microsorum pteropus mini (yea, right)
Anubias petite
Bolbitis heudelotii
Lindernia rotundifolia
Cryptocoryne beckettii 'Petchii'
Penthorum sedoides
Hygrophila 'Siamensis'

The tank is being filtered by an Eheim 600T and Eheim 600 classic
Co2 is on the 600 Classic through an in line diffuser. Turns on 2 hours before the lights on and one hour before lights off.
Co2 is a 3.5 Kg bottle with an Aqua Medic valve
Lighting is provided by a pair of Kessil 160 Tuna Sun with controller. Lighting comes on at 10am and shuts off at 6. The controller ramps up the light to 50% for an hour with a 6 hour run before ramping back down.
I'm running a DICI skimmer to tackle any surface film.

Looking good!

Coming from you George, that's an honour 😉

I do like the Aquascaper. Having the depth really made the difference. Loads of room to build hardscape and plant. I have an ADA 60p that I had NA'd, but found stems encroaching forwards spoilt it a bit. I tore that down last week and have started an Igwumi. Some guy that looks like you put a guide on YouTube. Imagine that.

I've wanted to do one for a while and never done one before, so the tips came in handy, so thanks.


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Looks great love the EA aquascaper tanks i think i will go with 600, was going to go smaller woth the 300 but dont want a cube sp 600 it will be, tank looks great love the rock and wood work, what yoi dosing etc ?

Thanks dean

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Thats what i will dose when got mine set up EI and have co2 also i am thinking iwagumi setup buy want a large rock , the ready mixed stuff would cost you a arm and a leg aswel, thats what i ised to do dose the recomended EI, keep the updates coming

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