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Bought Shrimp water in bag is yellow


New Member
10 Nov 2020
Hello, I just bought some amano shrimp from local Maidenhead aquatics
but I have just noticed that the water in the bag is a really yellow tint.
Why is this is ? Was the aquarium water they were in dirty? Thanks
Hi @H'''C

I suspect the MA store from which you bought the shrimp is the only way you can get a definitive answer to this. The yellow tint could be caused by a whole range of possibilities.

Hi thanks for the fast response I would call and ask but there closed
, So I’m assuming I shouldn’t add the water into the tank, at all? I’ll just net them out and put them in. (after acclimating )
It could be from tannins in the water (wood/leaves/seedpods), that often looks quite yellow. My LFS keeps their shrimps in slightly tannin-stained water, as the shrimp like to pick at the biofilm on botanicals.

In general it's good to avoid putting the water from a shop into your tank, just in case it has something bad in it. Net them out after acclimating is def the way to go!
My advice would be never to add shop water to your tank, no matter how clean it looks.

As for the yellowing, did the tank you bought them from have wood in them? Likely it's just tannins etc if so.

Ninja'd, what shangman said 🙂
So I’m assuming I shouldn’t add the water into the tank, at all? I’ll just net them out and put them in. (after acclimating )
Hi @H'''C

The question is - how do you plan to acclimate the shrimp? If it were me, I'd check a few basic water parameters on the bag water and tank water before transferring the shrimp over. I'd probably want to measure GH and temperature as a minimum. What size is your tank and are there any livestock already in there? If so, what? Shrimp are very sensitive to dissolved copper in the water. Are you using tap water? Have you used any treatments on your tank? If so, what? What form of filtration do you have on your tank? These are my initial thoughts.

My advice would be never to add shop water to your tank, no matter how clean it looks.

As for the yellowing, did the tank you bought them from have wood in them? Likely it's just tannins etc if so.

Ninja'd, what shangman said 🙂
yh it did have a few different things inside.
Hi @H'''C

The question is - how do you plan to acclimate the shrimp? If it were me, I'd check a few basic water parameters on the bag water and tank water before transferring the shrimp over. I'd probably want to measure GH and temperature as a minimum. What size is your tank and are there any livestock already in there? If so, what? Shrimp are very sensitive to dissolved copper in the water. Are you using tap water? Have you used any treatments on your tank? If so, what? What form of filtration do you have on your tank? These are my initial thoughts.

using the drip method and I’m using Remineralised RO water.