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Brand new CO2 bottle 6KG


26 Jun 2011
Just thought that I should spread the word about my brand new CO2 bottle which I am so chuffed with!

Well I have been searching to upgrade my 500g bottle for awhile now, considering it just does not last for long enough when I am away at University, so I enquired in my LFS but they were confident that it was only possible to purchase a bottle like 2kg for £100 +! But to cut a long story short I managed to find a 6kg bottle for only £75!!!!! :D

Here is the bottle = http://www.plantedtanks.co.uk/6kg-co2-cylinder-full-6146-p.asp

And am soo pleased with it. The guys at Planted Tanks were very very helpful and the bottle arrived the next day via courier. Connected it up to my JBL reg and it works like a dream.

Go check it out and let me know what you think!! :)
I have used Planted Tanks quite a few times now, and I agree their customer service is excellent. When postage costs increased recently there was a discussion on their own forum about how to proceed, and they found they could offer the next day courier service cheaper than posting for most orders. The Post Office need to get their act together!