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Cherry or Bloody Mary?


8 Jan 2012
Hello folks,hope all well.

This week i will start adding some livedtock to my tank. Its been up and running for several weeks now.
Im gona get some shtimp. This will be my first time having shrimp.
Its either cherry or bloody mary.

Is there any benifits of one over the other care wise or is it just a matter of whatever you like the look of best??

They’re both the same species just a Bloody Mary would be classed as a higher grade ‘redder’ cherry shrimp.

Whatever you like the look of more, neocaridina are pretty much bullet proof providing your water isn’t too soft.
Agh rite ok, gh is sitting at 6 and kh at 3. Il go for the bloody Marys in thst case. Thanks👍
Agh rite ok, gh is sitting at 6 and kh at 3. Il go for the bloody Marys in thst case. Thanks👍
Your at lower end of their range. I have gh6 and kh2 and I've struggled a bit with neocaridina. I think gh6 is a bit low for them, mine dwindled down rather than grew as a colony.
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Your water is fine no need to change it!!! Just keep it consistent and they will do fine.
One downside to Bloody Marys is they only come in red (naturally). 'Cherrys' come in lots of colours, some of which other than red might show up best depending on your substrate, hardscape etc. I have Bloody Marys in the Shrimphaus but to be honest, against dark aquasoil I sometimes wonder whether yellow might be been a better choice? 🤔
One downside to Bloody Marys is they only come in red (naturally). 'Cherrys' come in lots of colours, some of which other than red might show up best depending on your substrate, hardscape etc. I have Bloody Marys in the Shrimphaus but to be honest, against dark aquasoil I sometimes wonder whether yellow might be been a better choice? 🤔
For me its how they look against the greenery, but yellows are excellent too
Pretty sure the rostrum on bloody mary shrimp are shorter, at least according to Chris Lukhaup's book on inverts.

Whether that is still the case i do not know, but their colours tend to be a deep red, whereas sakura type cherry red's tend to be a brighter, painted red. I will add the caveat that again this will vary depending on source.