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dennerle 30l new scape


2 Oct 2007
After having to move my tank out of the bedroom I decided to strip down my old scape and start a new one, im going for a cliff face type look

dennerle nanocube 30l
11w cfl
Eheim classic 2217
Pressurised co2
Mini landscape rock
Decorative Sand

Xmas moss
Flame moss
Weeping moss
Anubias nana
Lilaeopsis novea-zealandiae
Pogostemon helferi

Me and my daughter have just been playing around with the hardscape and this is what weve come up with

Any comments good or bad very welcome



Its really nice. Have you got lots of substrate supports in the hill? If not it'll all slide down around the rock.
🙂 thank you

Yes theres 4 substrate supports but mostly its all rock underneath most of the substrate is just to fill in the gaps,
@spartacus, thank you 🙂 not decided on fish or shrimp yet I will most likely not have either as this is just a stop gap until I get my bigger tank ordered in October

@ali im unsure tbh I would enter just to see what people think but im not sure it will have enough growth by the dead line day 🙁
Ha I know the feeling I actually escaped my 20ltr today and I'm going to wait until about the 29th to see weather I feel it has grown in enough by then! Good luck if you do though mate. Plant list seems solid enough and if you have enough you could in theory have it looking "grown in" just after planting.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4
Just read the rules and it looks like I cant enter as it states you have to uae the dennerle filter lol what a stupid rule
Ah bummer you could always pick one up for the pics 😉

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4
Lol that might be a good idea I will have a look on ebay 🙂

Are you doing a journal for yours ?
They are 15 quid new at my LFS. Or the xl is about 23 euro.

Not sure I'm never great at keeping them up to date. I will ponder on it this evening.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4
Just phoned my lfs and hes got a used one I can have 🙂

If you dont do a journal post a couple of pictures on here 🙂 its always good to see what other people are doing
Little update: its planted 🙂 not overly happy with how it looks but fingers crossed once I get more growth it might start to resemble what ive got pictured in my head 🙂

Plants are:

Hemianthus callitrichoides 'cuba'
Pogostemon helferi
Lilaeopsis novea-zealandiae
Eleocharis acicularis
Anubias nana
Fissidens fontanus
Alternanthera reineckii 'mini'
Ammania sp. 'bonsai'
Elatine hydropiper
Xmas moss
Weeping moss

I will get some pictures when the lights come on 🙂
Why not just trim the leaves? It should put out some nice new ones 🙂

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks guys, means alot, this was a bit of a rush setup as I was getting frustrated sat watching an empty tank while waiting for my upgrade, so I decided to throw this together and I have to say im really happy with it, I just hope it grows as ive got pictured in my head 🙂