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Difficult project...


15 Feb 2016
Hi all,

I recently mentioned a new project I'm doing, with a small cube set-up. I was supposed to acquire a small 25cm squared optiwhite cube, around 15 litres; but plans change, and I've now settled for the newer style of aquael shrimp smart cubes, this one being 10 litres (pic below).

Ideally, I'll be able to stick a bit of redmoor wood in; with a small sponge filter. The light is quite suitable for plants I believe, around 6w 8000k or so, I'm not sure and not an expert.

I think the main problems I'm going to have, will be choosing the right plants, shrimp; and heating.

I'm confident that the small heater provided will sustain the temperature, and I'll be able to seed the filter fully beforehand, but co2 is seeming less likely on this tank, so I may consider the ferts, no co2 option. Not using liquid carbon, as I think it'd be hazardous to the shrimp in this size of water.

So I guess what I'm asking is, some sort of low tech carpet like plant first of all. From my research, eleocharis parvula seem to be an option, or a type of crypt?

It'll be tropical plant substrate, covered by a higher grain of unipac sand; probably 3-5mm.

This will probably be quite a difficult project (for me), but I'm hoping I can make it a success :)


  • shrimpsetsmartwhite.jpg
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Hi Aqua,

Hair grass will be ok towards the back as it will grow quite tall 2" or more
Crypt pava looks cool and stays shortish about 2" to 3" as to a carpet plant have a look at Marsilea
Or Hydrocotyle Tripp if kept trimmed you can use it as a carpet plant links below

The light should be fine others will know more



One photo of a H tripp carpet as I said it need to be trimmed a lot as it grows so dam fast

Hi Aqua,

Hair grass will be ok towards the back as it will grow quite tall 2" or more
Crypt pava looks cool and stays shortish about 2" to 3" as to a carpet plant have a look at Marsilea
Or Hydrocotyle Tripp if kept trimmed you can use it as a carpet plant links below

The light should be fine others will know more



One photo of a H tripp carpet as I said it need to be trimmed a lot as it grows so dam fast

View attachment 84740

cheers Roy :thumbup:

In the past I've had hydrocotyle grow in absence of co2 and light; which I was surprised at, even recently monte carlo performed better than my staurogyne repens and dwarf hairgrass in low co2 levels.