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Do Cories not like EI or CO2?

Yea I have sera Florena tabs under there that seem to have broken up and loads of white bits on sand. Don't use them anymore but they are still there somewhere.
I sometimes wonder if there is already a bacterial infection going that they succumb to or something they have never been exposed to. Nothing worse than just watching them drop by one and you can't pin point anything wrong.
I know. I got sand especially for them. Last setup had gravel and wore the bar bells down. The ones I have now don't seem to move much either.
Why would Florena tabs kill the fish? That is a bold statement..
Because I’ve been there myself a few years ago – overzealous on my new experience with planted tanks. The first batch of corys died. I did think, indeed, that it was a “bad batch”... Then another... Then another type of corys... then another one... Famous Diana Walstad was kind enough to reply to my email and we eliminated one thing after another: H2O, bacteria and finally – poisoning on ingesting particles of Laterite which I had at the time cupped with very small grade gravel (nearly sand grade). Did you see your fish in the feeding frenzy when they accidentally pick up their tank mate’s poo and spit it out? Well, tiny particles of this poo are swallowed – no harm there. HOWEVER there is harm when a fish swallows a tiny particle of a root fertilizer.
I have corys now with Eco Complete – they live for ages. I have had them since I don’t remember when. So, this is the only thing I can suggest - cory's are not known to be inbred, so a "bad batch" is a rarity.
Excellent a bit of a breakthrough. I use osmocote for enriching the gravel pushed in as deep as I can get it. They have less of a tendency to break up.
Yep, I agree about osmocote. I am not suggesting that it is completely impossible to keep corys with laterite but it needs to be really-really well covered. Interestingly, I just tried to remember if I saw any really artistically scaped tanks with corys or other fish which digs – and could not remember one...
I think this also works as an argument in favour of EI dosing – no fish will get poisoned.
I have bred Sterbai's in a community tank with Co2 and dosing EI.

How they survived is beyond me, as I also have a syno in there too!

The joys of a planted tank I guess....lots of hiding places!