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Eheim 2175 ?


2 Apr 2010
I'm in the hunt for a new filter for a 60l tank which will be for shrimp.

I've been look at eheims only because I want a build in heater so the thermo is the way to go for me.

The 20 range goes:
2073 2075 2078 2080

The 21 ( thermo range ) goes :
2173 .... 2178 2180

I was wondering if there is talk of a 2175 on the way? Flow would be ideal if it were like the 2075 which does 1650 lph I think.
I'm fairly certain that there is a 2175 on it's way but you may need to mod the spray bar
I had a 2075 running on a 90l and had to turn the flow down it was so powerful
On a 60l you would really be looming at a 600-1000 lhr ideally
Well I would get the new 2178 but I'm not that fused about plugging it in to a pc... I have a mac aswell so it would work anyway.

I was hoping to get at 20x turnover or there abouts. Clive always goes on about flow, and I'm seeing big difference in my nano with the korolia added.

I would ideally like to have the option of turning it down rather than adding a powerhead to this tank, also flow will be heavily obstructed by wood so maybe too much is good:)