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EI & breeding fish


10 Sep 2011
Hi Folks

I started doing EI for the first time a couple of weeks ago on a newly set-up tank. I introduced a pair of kribs & 3 tiger lima. I'm just wondering what effect the EI will have on my chance of successful breeding?
Do people on here have success with fish breeding while doing EI or do you have to cut back on the EI or only breed certain fish?
My water is a bit on the hard side for kribs anyway (GH 11) but I think they might be ok.
Re: EI & breeding fish

I've had success with Geophagus Pindare in my planted tank that im probably doing EI way too high on the doses.
I've purposefully kept up with the regime, and the tanks now overrun with fry :)
Remember, many cannot breed fish with plants or without plants.......and it has little to do with plants or the dosing.
Well the female krib has been spending most of the time in her coconut shell cave with the male on guard outside so could be in with a chance of babies.
Update, I now have about 20 or so baby kribs so EI can't be doing too much harm. I only bought the kribs 10 days ago, they've been busy!
stan1973 said:
Update, I now have about 20 or so baby kribs so EI can't be doing too much harm. I only bought the kribs 10 days ago, they've been busy!

I thought NO3's and ferts are the root of all evil? I cannot accept it!'haha