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Endler kh/ph?


17 Mar 2021
I’ve seen some conflicting info on this online. Some people say endlers must be kept in very hard water and others say they do just fine in 0kh kh And low ph environments. My tank is 45l and I have some kh, probably 1-2. I’m looking for a small outgoing fish to bring out my ember tetras but also won’t eat baby shrimp too much. Do you think I should go ahead and get some endlers? Cheers,
I’m looking for a small outgoing fish to bring out my ember tetras but also won’t eat baby shrimp too much. Do you think I should go ahead and get some endlers? Cheers,
Yes, adding some Endlers might work. They do prefer at least moderately hard water. What's your GH (not KH) ? Since you are having shrimps, I'll bet your GH is probably ok, or close to be ok for Endlers... Alternatively you could add some more outgoing tetras such as cardinals or rummy nose. My Embers are super outgoing... they are with cherry shrimps, cardinals, black neons and oto's.

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Yes, adding some Endlers might work. They do prefer at least moderately hard water. What's your GH (not KH) ? Since you are having shrimps, I'll bet your GH is probably ok, or close to be ok for Endlers... Alternatively you could add some more outgoing tetras such as cardinals or rummy nose. My Embers are super outgoing... they are with cherry shrimps, cardinals, black neons and oto's.

gh is 6-8. cardinals or rummys are a tad big. the tank is only 45l. my embers were outgoing when i had them with a gourami, but since it passed they have been quite shy.
Is it not a possibility that adding a few more Embers might do the trick or failing that some form of small Rasbora.