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Fish arriving DOA, freezing cold


15 Sep 2021
Sad to report, I just received an overnight delivery from one of the UKs most reputable fish retailers, with 6 ember tetra and 2 Apistogramma Borelli. The Apistogramma were DOA, and have very red bellies; the ember are struggling and swimming on their side, but may pull through. It's been reported before, but bears repeating, posting fish in cold weather is a risk. This retailer uses a specialist courier who they recommend. The water temperature in the bags on arrival was 62 degrees, so it's no wonder. I haven't had this happen before. It's disappointing. I will now report it to the retailer. As someone with a disability I tend to depend on postal suppliers.
Sad to report, I just received an overnight delivery from one of the UKs most reputable fish retailers, with 6 ember tetra and 2 Apistogramma Borelli. The Apistogramma were DOA, and have very red bellies; the ember are struggling and swimming on their side, but may pull through. It's been reported before, but bears repeating, posting fish in cold weather is a risk. This retailer uses a specialist courier who they recommend. The water temperature in the bags on arrival was 62 degrees, so it's no wonder. I haven't had this happen before. It's disappointing. I will now report it to the retailer. As someone with a disability I tend to depend on postal suppliers.
That’s a real shame, a lot of retailers won’t ship over winter once the temperatures get below 5 degrees overnight to prevent this from happening. It’s been getting pretty cold now so I’m surprised they shipped.
I'm sorry about that. Did the shipper use a heatpack at all? Was the courier Apc? They used to be the only livestock courier and were very good (never shipped fish but did send out lots of corals with them).
There was just one piece of foil wrap and one sheet of newspaper, no heat packs, which was disappointing - I've usually had them. Shipper was DX express. It wasn't APC. I imagine they'd been in a cold van all night, or maybe a depot. The embers were really struggling, but the Borelli were gonners, with very red bellies.


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I got some marine creatures (no fish) last week and even with overnight shipping, polystyrene box and a heat pack the water was still quite cold and a fire shrimp wasn’t moving upside down in the bag. When I poked it it still wiggled some legs a bit, and then processed to make a surprising full recovered after a slow acclimation to temperature. Definitely won’t be ordering anything else that way until Spring !
Sad to report, I just received an overnight delivery from one of the UKs most reputable fish retailers, with 6 ember tetra and 2 Apistogramma Borelli. The Apistogramma were DOA, and have very red bellies; the ember are struggling and swimming on their side, but may pull through. It's been reported before, but bears repeating, posting fish in cold weather is a risk. This retailer uses a specialist courier who they recommend. The water temperature in the bags on arrival was 62 degrees, so it's no wonder. I haven't had this happen before. It's disappointing. I will now report it to the retailer. As someone with a disability I tend to depend on postal suppliers.

@AlecF I'm sorry to hear about to your loss,

It's just unconscionable for the retailer not to do this right with livestock. If their packaging can't guarantee safe overnight delivery due to temperature they should just postpone.

I've had quite a few fish and shrimps shipments from Aquactic Arts out of Indiana to Minnesota in rather cold temperatures. Their packaging is superb (heat packs) and guaranteed to keep the fish at proper temperature for FedEx overnight delivery - It's also shipped with a sticker that says live animals, which at an extra cost makes FedEx use extra precaution and expedite the home delivery.

I'd very much question them as to why they didn't feel the need to add a heatpack. It's a modest order but it shouldn't matter.

Taking the emotion out of it it's annoying that they will either offer replacements, where you pay for postage again, or refund the apistogramma, which makes the embers very expensive. You shouldn't have to pay for their cutting corners.
I'm expecting or assuming they will replace the DOA and send them free, but no reply yet. If I don't hear by the end of tomorrow I will name them and send a complaint. I sent them photos, including of the thermometer. Heat packs should always be included. I have said that already.
There was just one piece of foil wrap and one sheet of newspaper, no heat packs, which was disappointing - I've usually had them. Shipper was DX express. It wasn't APC. I imagine they'd been in a cold van all night, or maybe a depot. The embers were really struggling, but the Borelli were gonners, with very red bellies.
This isn’t good enough at all unfortunately. I’d question this. I’m guessing it was the standard 30 pound delivery charge most suppliers issue?
Unless they guarantee delivery, or specifically state they will use heat packs, you cannot blame them. No accusations either which way here, but most reputable places are pretty clear in their shipping policies. Again not attacking you just playing devils advocate .Gradual temperature change shouldn’t kill fish that quickly and that isn’t a fatal temperature so it could be something else going on.
Shipper was DX express. It wasn't APC.

Are DX Express (never heard of them before) even licenced by the APHA to ship live fish?

The reason most places use APC is that they have systems and controls in places specifically for shipping live fish - I don't know for sure, but I would guess that includes some temperature controlled storage?

If your retailer won't play ball, then your get out for a full refund is them (possibly) not using an authorised carrier.
Unless they guarantee delivery, or specifically state they will use heat packs, you cannot blame them. No accusations either which way here, but most reputable places are pretty clear in their shipping policies. Again not attacking you just playing devils advocate .Gradual temperature change shouldn’t kill fish that quickly and that isn’t a fatal temperature so it could be something else going on.
Yes, you can blame them. Sending live animals involves a duty of care. Also, I recorded the temperature on arrival at 11am, so obviously the temperature overnight en route would be lower. It was freezing and below that night. Scotland isn't South Carolina. In my experience most shops use a heat pack, for a reason. I don't really understand why you'd suggest they can have policies which would harm animals; the amount they charge covers the costs of a heat pack. They have now apologised and will replace the Apistogramma. My guess is they forgot to add heat packs, or someone got lazy. Yes, it was a standard delivery charge. The main issue for me was that this was from one of the most reputable traders. I've had good service from them before. I've asked that if they resend either to wait for warmer weather or include extra heat pads.
On eBay the shop suggested they use DX as a specialist company, so I stressed to them that this wasn't working.
Are DX Express (never heard of them before) even licenced by the APHA to ship live fish?
A lol of retailers seem to be using them now. Not sure what the reason is behind it.

The two retailers I use that ship to me have always used them since I’ve been ordering online.
