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Fish TB and human health


28 Feb 2014
Solna, Sweden

I was visiting a friend, and he has a large riparium setup. His system is misting aquarium water for high humidity riparium. He had a recently a possible case of fish tuberculosis. Here is the twist. If the illness really was fish TB (M. marinum), then anyone near the aquarium would probably inhale the bacteria with the mist.

As far as I know, the risk of having M. marinum infection in your lungs is minimal (as long as your immune system works normally). Still, this might pose a risk.

On the other hand, almost everything in life poses a risk, but then the question is how minimal the risk is. Any experiences or knowledge of this issue here?
It's mainly transferred to humans though cuts in skin. It can be as minimal as a ragged cuticle. It affects fingers and toes, cooler areas of the body. It causes blister-like lesions, swelling and tissue damage. I expect it could infect the mouth if you swallow the water (eg by siphoning).

We should wash our hands thoroughly with detergent after putting them in the aquarium and not put damaged skin in the water. I've never had it *touch wood* but I suppose if I had I would think about wearing gloves when messing about in the water.

I think the risk is small especially if you're aquarium is established and healthy, and you're not adding new stock.