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Fluval Stratum vs UNS controsoil


8 Nov 2022
I am in the process of rescaping my 1200L High Tech Planted Tank and I am thinking of adding some aquasoil as I currently only have pool filter sand. I tried some aquasoil in my low tech 5 gallon tank (UNS controsoil) and the plants are doing so well without any water column fertilization. I feel my plants could only benefit from having some aquasoil, it will also help fill in the gap when I lack in my fertilization. So I am deciding between fluval stratum and UNS controsoil as they are the easiest to get in my area. The fluval stratum costs $38 for a 10.8L bag and the UNS controsoil costs $55 for a 10L bag. I would need to get about 7 bags of either substrate. Is the UNS controsoil worth the extra cost or should I get the stratum? I hear mixed reviews on the stratum.
Is the UNS controsoil worth the extra cost or should I get the stratum? I hear mixed reviews on the stratum
Well personally I don't know mate as I haven't used either, there are plenty of people/reviews of FS out there with some loving it it and others not, I think I have read that it is quite light.
I don't think the UNS is readily available here in the UK (I might be wrong) but just in case any filters through and you go down that route, a review would be good. Always good to know the quality and performance of products. I like to try different soils between scapes rather than keep using the same.
Well personally I don't know mate as I haven't used either, there are plenty of people/reviews of FS out there with some loving it it and others not, I think I have read that it is quite light.
I don't think the UNS is readily available here in the UK (I might be wrong) but just in case any filters through and you go down that route, a review would be good. Always good to know the quality and performance of products. I like to try different soils between scapes rather than keep using the same.
Yeah I am leaning towards the UNS soil. I'll let you know how it goes if I go with it.
A bit late, but I've used FS once and hated it. I found it to be very light and difficult to plant in (esp. with anything small.) It does not have the nutrients of UNS CS nor ADA AS. I still prefer ADA AS to UNS CS, but will be giving Netlea Professional a try this time around.