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[FoF] October 2008

10 Jun 2007
Dorset, UK
just an early post on this event really.

UKaps will definitely be going again to the festival of fishkeeping at Hayling Island for beer, burgers and whatever else comes along!

It might be a good time to get talking to each other and try to arrange some lifts/car sharing type things. It would be really very cool to meet as many people as possible this year.. we practically took over last year and we were only small!! (100 members tops)

Anyway, with fuel prices and everyone being scattered about the country, car sharing would be a great way to keep costs down and make it possible for quite a few people to make it.

So.. start a few threads, prefix them with [FoF] or something like that so people can see what things are about. Im sure we can get a load of people there to come and help us show the world that UKaps are here! 😀
What's the actual date Matt? I can then get it in the diary early so I can hopefully make it this year!
Hey Guys, the dates are 11-12 of October and it's held at Mill Rythe Holiday Village, Hayling Island.

We've got big plans this year! Scapetastic 😉

Unfortunately George can't make it coz he's fighting for our Queen and Country so it's Me, Graeme, Matt, James and Clive flying the UKaps flag for the "new school"
Graeme and i for definite will be there from Friday night for setting up to Sunday night for the break down.

If you've ever wondered what your donations go towards it's things like this, last year the trade cost for our stand was over £600! Needless to say it won't cost that much this year, i've learnt my less shall we say. I'm currently designing our new stand and again we should blow everyone out of the water LOL.

The UK Discus Association won't be there this year so numbers will be down so we need as many members to try and pop in to make sure that this festival keeps going in all it's glory.

I'm well excited already and it promises to be a tiring but great weekend, UKaps BABY!
I was in Rio last year but should be there this year, it's only a few train stops and a bike ride away after all 🙂
saintly said:
is it anygood?
hell yeh! Hanging out with the "new skool UKaps massive" drinking beer, talkin plants and fish. What else could you wish for on a weekend? LOL
we had a ball last year! Up till the small hours and scaping infront of the public with the shakes, how proffesional LOL
Its £45 for a room fir the night, come on down, it'll be quality.
Is Hayling Island near Winchester or Wimborne? If so I may be able to stop at a relatives. Also are kids aloowed? I have to babysit at weekends.

I won't ask for lifts with 2 babies though. lol I'll look at the train prices for it (if I can afford it)

SuperColey1 said:
Is Hayling Island near Winchester or Wimborne? If so I may be able to stop at a relatives. Also are kids aloowed? I have to babysit at weekends.

I won't ask for lifts with 2 babies though. lol I'll look at the train prices for it (if I can afford it)


I live 10 miles from Wimborne.. it took me about an hour and half to get to Hayling Island last year. Winchester much closer.
Only thing I would say is, if your more custome to 5* hotels and good dress codes, then you will be hummbled to say the least. Personlay, I would sugest staying in a b&b some place on the island and walking down rather than stay at the actual holiday park. I will obviously have to stay there, but thats becuase im setting up the stand with the team.
