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General help and tips needed


17 Jul 2011
I returned to the hobby (after a 20 year absence) last year, about 18 mths ago.

Since then I have struggled to get the 'balance' right in the tank to get the plants growing and algae irradicated. I've not got bad algae but its present on older leaves and I can't get the plants to 'pearl'.

My tank is 1m wide, about 50cm high, 200+ litres, 26 degrees C, medium-light stocking. Lighting is 4 TMC grobeams - which I thought would be better for plants and despite lots and lots of reading up before purchase, I'm now wishing I'd stuck to normal lighting! CO2 is fitted and is not an inline diffuser, running at 3 bubbles per second.

In the last 18 months I have done the following
- I changed the filter to an FX5 to improve flow. I now worry flow is too high in places, esp trying to get CO2 down to the ground plants, around the dwarf hairgrass which grows but painfully slowly.

- I recently added a TMC light controller as I had had to put the lights on for just 4-5 hrs previously to stop algae. So I thought I'd add the controlled to reduce the light intensity and lengthen the photo-period to 8 hours, with some dimming either side.

- I have recently increased the CO2 bubble count up to 3 per second as I didn't think this was high enough after reading a comment from George Farmer in the PFK.

- I have had added problems with flow because I planted Amazon sword initially which when fully grown gets in the way and changes the flow direction quite significantly. So I regularly cut off full leaves.

- Maintenence is 50% every week now with trimming off of old leaves

- Substrate is pea gravel but I did put a bottom layer of Tetra Plant underneath.

- Fertilisers. A while ago I changed to making my own, trying to follow the EI method set out on James' Planted tanks website and I have subsequently upped the dosing to be about 50% higher than his suggestion for my volume, on the basis that I thought the light and CO2 were both running quite high.

What have I missed? What do I need to do to try and get the balance right?

I am getting frustrated as I love my aquarium and I am now wanting to break down the tank and start again with better substrate and a better designed aquascape. But I don't want to do this unless I have confidence I can 'get it right' as I would be gutted to go through all of that effort, expense and upheavel only to see plants not grow, grow slowly or algae to slowly return dusting the leaves.
Lower the light intensity. Get a drop checker to measure co2 levels. Look at how the flow is being distributed, a spray bar along the back at the top pointing towards the front is best. Using EI substrate matters less so dont worry about that. Get you flow and co2 distribution right and the rest will fall into place and then you will be able to slowly increase the lighting to speed growth if you feel the need.
Ah sorry, too fast typing for my own good! I AM using an inline diffuser - I swapped to that about 6 mths ago.

Re Ferts, I'm mixing them following the EI method as found James' Planted Tanks site. So rather than buying branded pre-mixed, I'm buying the base elements and mixing them to his guide. I upped the dosage from the recommended because of the high light intensity, as the plants would then require more feeding.
TO OllieNZ, thanks for your note, appreciate your suggestions.

I have a drop checker already but to be honest, this has seemed to imply that I had enough CO2 even at 1.5 bubbles per second. Now its 3, it still looks ok and the fish seem fine. Would you increase the CO2 further?
The distribution seems ok, except for one dead spot that I've identified.

What would you suggest re ferts, if I drop the light intensity further and increase CO2 more, should I drop them back down to the recommended levels?
No reason not too or keep them as they are, up to you really it wont hurt either way if you keep up the 50%wcs all double dosing is doing is wasting ferts. Lowering the lighting will slow things down and give you a chance to get handle on the tank. If youve got a dead spot then you do need to work on your distribution. What method of co2 diffusion are you using?

CO2 diffusion is by inline diffuser. The FX5 filter has a double output nozzle, allowing two directional output which helps the distribution and does power the CO2 to the front bottom although as I say the Sword plant does get in the way and there is a dead spot in the middle back of the tank. The hair grass at the front seems to be a bit battered down by the flow though
Can you post pics of your set up and drop checker colour? I still think a spraybar along with a drop in light intensity will sort you out. It also sounds like you have room to add more co2. Dont worry about pearling with high flow and proper distribution you will very rarely see it as the o2 will diffuse into the water before it can bubble off. Focus on plant growth/health and use these as an indicator of how your tank is behaving. Having loads of gpm out of your filter dosent isnt the same as having good flow
What types of algae do you have?

Thanks for your suggestions. I will get you some pics later. The algae is bba i think. I will drop the light a but further and agree that i could prob increase co2 a bit more. I was trying to keep coss down!

I know what you mean by gpm and flow - my nano is doing well withiut co2, low light and nice calm flow from a small spray bar!


The fx5 does come with 25mm pipes - i had to do some very clever diy pipework to fit smaller tubing, splitting the pipes with a 'y' fitting and adding inline diffuser to one pipe before joining them back with another 'y' and back into original tubes!!

It may be impossible, but I think I may have some pearling after only 1 day.
It just maybe bubbles from the initial water being dumped into the tank, But hey you never know...

Cool though...

Check it out...

And this is the tank after 1 day...
