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Glass lid and oxygenation


23 Mar 2022
I’m starting to plan a new tank. It will be a warmer black water tank, with plenty of dried leaves, some wood and stuff like that.

In order to keep it warmer, maybe 27 or 28oC, without wasting too much electricity, I thought I should use glass lids. Also to prevent evaporation and having to fill the tank often.

I worry that the lids will get in the way of oxygenating the water. The benefit in terms of preventing evaporation and, consequently, in keeping the temperature high, works in opposite direction from oxygenating, and I thought that even using a compressor would cause the trapped humidity to be pushed away and to make the temperature drop.

On the other hand, people use glass lids ever since I can remember, so am I overthinking this? Maybe oxygen diffuses faster in the trapped air gap than humidity and will remain at a satisfactory level?

If it matters, I’m currently considering using an internal filter and not sure if there will be any plants at all. Maybe crypts.
Well, I have a wooden hood and also lots of glass covering the aquarium for evaporation reduction (and to protect the wood). Apart from one square (on the right) the fish and plants are healthy.
