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Help with Strideways pro plus dual stage


New Member
17 Jan 2024
Bristol, UK
I've just received a Strideways regulator. It came with some o-rings/seals in a bag. However, there is no mention of them in the instructions.


The transparent washer type - there is already one of these on the main co2 bottle connection. It is quite thick and not like any seal I've seen before. I presume that should stay in situ, and the one in the bag is a spare?
The black o-ring - I cannot see where this fits. The bubble counter already has o-rings in the bottom and where the top unscrews. This spare o-ring is too big for either of those.

Also in the box is an allen key, but I cannot see any hex bolts/screws anywhere on the unit.

Anybody have any ideas? I'm not overly concerned - I'm sure it'll work fine when I connect it all up. Just curious if I am missing something.
Thanks Surya, yes that is very helpful.
I've also had a reply from Aquarium Gardens, and the black o-ring is also for when installing another manifold. It goes between the two.