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Hospital tank.


10 Jan 2021
How do you have your hospital/ quarantine tank set up?

My father in law has a 20ltr tank in his kitchen constantly running with a small heater, and filter. Ive been meaning to ask him what is he doing with it has there's no need to have it running constantly. The idea was to seed the filter then add some fish food each day to keep it ticking over, but i dont think that works or is viable in any way. The other way is to have it empty, and run it when needed. I know it depends on how long you would treat in a hospital tank, but do you need the filter to be cycled? Im thinking medication can destroy the bacteria in some cases so is just keeping up with frequent water changes good enough?
Think your father in law is making it hard for himself . Some of us keep a small tank planted it's something to look at basic planting would do it as long as the plants are growing healthy and it's ready for quarantine if needed. First thing to remember is observation of sick fish and whatever medicine is used follow the instructions. Activated carbon used to remove medication after treatment. You could keep tank empty and have small filter in your aquarium seeded and ready. Or use a portion of foam already with bacteria from your tank filter into your smaller quarantine filter if needed. I favour the keep it planted then in a emergency you can act quick