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House viewings and moving house


19 Jun 2012
Fareham, UK
I am in the position of moving house. So currently I have viewings which occur and various times during the day. These occur maybe 2 times a week.

For the viewings I set the timer for the lights to come on and ensure co2 is being injected way before. Normally lights are on from 4-10pm.

Any issue with that?

Second thing when I move house is there a set procedure or things I need to do for the tank, fish, plants and scape when the remove guys come round pack, and move and then unload?

The move will be no further that 5 miles away.

Is it re-scape time or can I keep the existing scape going?

Thanks in advance
Happy Easter

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I would say no issue with the lights as long as the photoperiod isn't extended and co2 is at optimum. You should be able to keep the current scape going if your happy with it. Once moved I would carry out extra water changes much like a new setup just to help things settle down again. Good luck with the move 🙂
Thanks Tim
So I am assuming I drain the tank with everything still in it (apart from the fish which I am not sure what to do as I dont have another tank to put them in) so the water level is just above the substrate? Spray moisture on the plants until the last minute?
Or do I need to break down the whole tank including subtrate? Put plants in moisture encloded bags? Fish in something?

Can the tank bottom take the weight of all this stuff?
Hi roly, with the fish I would ask your lfs for some fish bags and bag them up like they do. As for the plants substrate and hardscape etc it can be moved with this in the tank as you say spray plants and cling film to keep moisture in, but this way could put excessive weight on the tank (risk of compromising integrity of glass and seals) or total strip down, plants could be kept in plastic storage tubs with water substrate could be left in again your descision to make really I've moved a couple of tanks for friends around the 200 ltr mark with substrate in and everything else removed. In my experience the key is to move everything as quickly as possible and set up as quickly as possible followed by plenty of water changes to ensure good water quality. Hope this helps good luck mate.
As a precaution I'd remove the substrate, as the tank is designed to have an even load. Once you start lifting, then the load can be unevenly distributed causing stress on one particular point. You may be ok taking a chance, but it is just that. My philosophy is that it's better safe than sorry.
Hey, really depends on your tank. If a little old and tatty I'd remove any heavy items. All the tanks at aquatics live are moved fully planted, mark moved his 4' tank a while back for a show too. Either way I'd be pretty nervous if it has much stone in it.
Tim, Vanish, Iain. Thanks for the tips. I have 3 medium sized rocks for a 180l tank. They would be removed. I am nervous of the weight that would still be left in there. I'm sure the show tanks are far more expensive than my Rio 180 and thus more robust.
If I remove the substrate is that it for it (Its Tropica's subtrate with sand on top). Will I need to be forking out for a new subtrate and sand?
Thanks for the help.
When I moved I took everything out of the tank. I have a Rio 180 too and didn't want to chance extra weight on the tank base. I totally started again at my new house. As I couldn't set the tank up as new house was getting walls etc knocked out.
Just get a cheap piece of wood slightly bigger than the size of the bottom of the tank and move it on that. This should prevent stress on the glass and seals. I've never had a problem moving my tanks this way.
Gents thanks for the ideas and tips. Henry of course. Why not!!!. Martin you are correct its for that reason I have been thinking about a rescape. I could use some money from the sale of the house to pay for some lots a substrate (ADA) and do the correct perspective thing (i.e. shallow at the front deep at the back).

If I rescape with ADA do I need to let the subtrate bed down (keep reading about leaching of stuff). Clearly best to try and keep the filter media intact and submersed in water during the move. Obviously the fish are not going to survive long in bags so need to be put back into a tank with mature filter media.

Thanks again for everyones help and tips.