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How big are 'XL' tropica plants??

I've always wondered this and I think a few other people have too, but after asking some online shops a few times never been given a definate or precise answer.
although i have never brought XL, i think its pot luck with the tropica plants, when setting up a previous tank i had an normal size java fern, but i have just recieved an huge one, nice big leaves, all healthy, not even the same plant.. dont your local MA do aquafleur aaron?
AdAndrews said:
although i have never brought XL, i think its pot luck with the tropica plants, when setting up a previous tank i had an normal size java fern, but i have just recieved an huge one, nice big leaves, all healthy, not even the same plant.. dont your local MA do aquafleur aaron?

yes but they dont do "narrow" :|

I think your best bet would be to PM Richard at Aqua Essentials or The Green Machine to see what sort of size the ones they have in at the moment are.
If you're after instant impact then I can recommend the Tropica plants attached to wood.

Usually the wood is relatively small and the ferns can be massive. I've used a few now from Tropica and they've all been excellent. The wood piece can be easily hidden, so it doesn't impact on your 'scape, unless you want it to.

If you order from our sponsors you could ask them to pick one out that's suitable.

Check this bad boy out (not me, the fern! lol) -

The ferns are, IME, especially if you can pick one, or get the supplier to pick for you.

I like to leave it attached, if possible, as it's so much easier to work with. If the wood is hidden behind a big fern then there's little point in potentially damaging the root structure.
George Farmer said:
The ferns are, IME, especially if you can pick one, or get the supplier to pick for you.

I like to leave it attached, if possible, as it's so much easier to work with. If the wood is hidden behind a big fern then there's little point in potentially damaging the root structure.

Thanks, i think it might be a bit awkward attaching a piece of wood to a piece of wood thats all.
Good point!

I've only just realised where you're going to be putting it.

Usually I place them in a bigger wood 'housing' i.e. the base of a piece of redmoor with all the roots protruding from around it.

Your slender/single pieces of wood would make it tricky to achieve the same effect.

May be worth sticking to the XL pots then.

I apologise for the confusion, Aaron.
George Farmer said:
Good point!

I've only just realised where you're going to be putting it.

Usually I place them in a bigger wood 'housing' i.e. the base of a piece of redmoor with all the roots protruding from around it.

Your slender/single pieces of wood would make it tricky to achieve the same effect.

May be worth sticking to the XL pots then.

I apologise for the confusion, Aaron.

no worries, you have been a great help 🙂
rawr said:
Superman said:
Do they do an XL Java Fern Narrow?

Nope, I've enquuired about that several times. 🙄

so that PM i have just sent to Richard was pointless then :lol: Normal or wood for me then.... they have an offer on thw normal pots now for £6 (usually £7.50)
Only trouble is it is too early and i dont want them to become algae infested 🙄
Hmm, they might sell them but from what I can remember when I asked AE and TGM about it quite a few months ago now they both said they don't stock it.
Superman said:
On this subject, I picked up a massive narrow fern on tropica wood from my LFS for only £18! It's huge, there must be at least 5 pots worth on there and it's well matured. I can't wait to properly plant it!

nice 8)
They have a 50% sale on at AE so i am just ordering some plants 😀