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How many and which shrimp for my tank

16 Jun 2014
Hi everybody. As my first ever tank is doing really well so far (first two weeks) I started to think about adding some shrimp in the near future. The tank size is 90x45x45 and main plant is HC and some Glossostigma. Which shrimp would be best for it and how many of them should I get? I was thinking about crystal red and crystal black but I don't know anything about their behavior. Thanks for all the answers.
With CRS you really need to think about getting RO water and controlling the conditions there's a tutorial on them. Cherry shrimp are much more relaxed and you can get them in some nice colour morphs. If you then feel comfortable you can add CRS later as they won't breed with the cherries

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Thanks guys. I'll definitely go for a cherry then. I love the colors on crystal red or crystal black but I never thought they are going to be so demanding especially if I'm not going to use RO water. How many should I get for 90x45x45 to make them feel comfy?
Oh last thing if you have medium size fish in your tank already do not introduce the shrimp directly from the top of the tank. The fish will instantly see anything coming from the tank top as food. Acclimate slowly to the tank water over at least an hour or so using the drip method. Then get a large diameter plastic pipe (not clear one) kitchen waste water pipe or even a drain pipe works well. Put the pipe into the water so the end is near the bottom and introduce the shrimp that way. The shrimp will climb out the bottom and into cover and the fish are none the wiser.
I have been keeping crs for the last 3 weeks in my first high tech tank without any problem. Although as you will here from many, you will have to keep the parameters healthy. RO is pretty much a must as you need to the TDS level within a range. They are not hard to keep as long as you got the water right.

Good finding what you like.
Thank you. I won't have to worry about that as I haven't got any fish in the tank but will definitely acclimate them slowly as described by you. Thanks.

I have been keeping crs for the last 3 weeks in my first high tech tank without any problem. Although as you will here from many, you will have to keep the parameters healthy. RO is pretty much a must as you need to the TDS level within a range. They are not hard to keep as long as you got the water right.

Good finding what you like.

I decided to go for a cherry shrimp so I won't have to worry about RO, which will make my life a lot easier. Thanks
One thing for sure, you will not be disappointed. Shrimps are great in a tank. I love them, they grow pretty quickly and are so peaceful.